News from Capital Hill
Mistranslated Word In Bible -
Key to your salvation?
New evidence from the Bible reveals something shocking… ([link removed])
According to one Biblical scholar it could change the way "we treat disease and chronic pain" and "even the way we age."
He says it boils down to one single mistranslated word in the book of Exodus.
"Not only is this mistranslated word responsible for a great deal of sickness and suffering we experience today," he says...
"My evidence suggests it could be THE reason life expectancies dropped so sharply in 194 A.D."
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Now as you'd imagine, this Biblical Scholar has encountered a great deal of criticism...
And even hate from left leaning atheist groups...
However, he's been forthright in answering each question and objection people throw his way...
In fact, he's put together a short (yet intriguing) video ([link removed])that not only handles the criticism...
But it's also silencing atheists (and in some cases turning them into believers).
Watch this controversial Biblical Scholar’s video while you still can. ([link removed])
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