
Though there’s certainly a lot of bad news right now, I was reminded recently why we must always hold onto hope and keep fighting for the future.

I was scrolling through Twitter (yes, it’s really me who reads your replies!) and came across this heartwarming tweet from Linda Foens:

I was lucky enough to meet Linda and her amazing son Fayde years ago at an Iowa event with Hillary Clinton, and even then, I was touched by Fayde’s passion to get involved and his courage to ask questions of those in power at such a young age.

I’ll never forget his question to me at a rally in Cedar Rapids last year: “Did you ever have a dog?” I explained to Fayde that although I couldn’t have a dog because I travel so much, I do love animals and work to protect them — and I promised him that if I ever adopt a dog, he’ll be the first person I call to help me find the right one.

Since I first met Fayde, he’s become more and more involved in political organizing. He’s 12 years old and he’s already volunteered to phonebank and has spoken up at his local city council meetings on multiple occasions in support of issues he cares about, including a new library in his neighborhood!

That’s what this is all about: serving and inspiring the next generation of leaders.

Young people like Fayde inspire me each and every day with their glowing positivity and fearlessness to speak up for what’s right.

I look up to Fayde just as much — if not more so — than he looks up to me. Kids like Fayde are our future leaders, and they are who we are fighting for in this November’s pivotal election.

From the crisis of climate change, to access to quality public education and debt-free college, to equal economic opportunity, our children’s futures are on the line, and we have to vote like they depend on us — because they do.

Linda and Fayde’s message once again reminded me that we’re all in this together, and together, we will rise up and set our country back on track come November 3. We have to, for young people like Fayde and the future of this great nation.

— Cory