Dear John,
Quarterly Animal Law Updates are designed to keep you informed about the latest in animal law news.
Islamabad High Court Holds that Animals Have Legal Rights
The Islamabad High Court has held that that animals have natural rights and are entitled to protection under the Pakistani constitution. Despite at times anthropocentric framing, the ruling unequivocally recognizes that animals have legal rights and is highly critical of humanity’s treatment of wild animals in particular.
New German Law Will Mandate Minimum Exercise Requirements for Dogs
Proposed amendments to Germany’s Animal Welfare Act aimed at ensuring the species-specific needs of dogs are met include minimum exercise requirements, tethering prohibitions, and a ban on exhibiting dogs who have been bred to have characteristics that cause physical distress.
Though Ruled Unconstitutional, Industry Continues Pushing Ag-Gag Laws: Updates in North Carolina, Kansas, Iowa, and Ontario
In the first half of 2020, there were multiple developments — some positive and some negative — in the realm of Ag-Gag laws, so named because they criminalize whistleblowing and undercover investigations in agricultural facilities, thus “gagging” activists and others who expose animal abuse in factory farms and slaughterhouses.
New Kentucky Law Allows Veterinarians to Report Animal Cruelty
Kentucky has amended its law prohibiting veterinarians from reporting suspected animal cruelty. Advocates worked for years to change this law, which had good intentions regarding personal privacy but unintended consequences for animal victims of abuse. Although it created differential standards for farmed animals, Kentucky’s law is a significant step forward.