There have been over 280 mass shootings in our country this year alone -- and after each one, our nation faces the same helplessness, anxiety, fear, and anger.

When will enough be enough? We need to take action to stop our epidemic of gun violence NOW.

Right now, we are at a crossroads -- one in which everyone has to choose to act or to sit still -- and I choose to speak up and demand better from our elected officials.

I'm proud to be taking action as a congresswoman to end the gun epidemic in our country, but we need the Senate to act too. Join me in calling on Mitch McConnell to bring gun violence prevention legislation to a vote.

Despite overwhelming public support for action, Republicans in Congress have proven they are gutless when it comes to taking even the simplest steps to reduce gun violence. And with the NRA and gun lobbyists buying off elected officials, it's easy to see why. I know who they're fighting for -- and it's not our families.

We must demand more than excuses. We are not powerless. There are steps we can take to reduce gun violence. Since taking office in January, I've co-sponsored and helped pass common-sense legislation that covers everything from background checks to "red flag laws" -- but I need your help to keep it up.

Add your name next to mine now to tell Mitch McConnell that it's time to take action. We can, and must, do so much better for future generations.

Thank you,

Dr. Kim Schrier

Paid for by Dr. Kim Schrier for Congress

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