Here are some excerpts from a very important article by the former director of the National Counterterrorism Center and general counsel at the National Security Agency (Matthew Olsen) and a former Army intelligence officer (Benjamin Haas) from Politico. full article

"The Electoral College system provides ripe microtargeting grounds for foreign actors who intend to sabotage presidential elections via information and disinformation campaigns, as well as by hacking our voting infrastructure.

"One reason is that citizens in certain states simply have more voting power than citizens in other states. ... This makes it easier for malign outside forces to direct their efforts.

"But what if the national popular vote determined the president instead of the Electoral College? No voter would be more electorally powerful than another. It would be more difficult for a foreign entity to sway many millions of voters scattered across the country than concentrated groups of tens of thousands of voters in just a few states. And it would be more difficult to tamper with voting systems on a nationwide basis than to hack into a handful of databases in crucial swing districts, which could alter an election’s outcome. Yes, a foreign entity could disseminate messages to major cities across the entire country or try to carry out a broad-based cyberattack, but widespread actions of this sort would be not only more resource-intensive, but also more easily noticed, exposed and addressed. read the full article in Politico
The National Popular Vote bill would guarantee the Presidency to the candidate receiving the most popular votes in all 50 states and D.C.

Since state legislators are up for election on November 3 in almost every state, this is a great time to send them an email asking them to support the National Popular Vote bill.

  • Watch Rick Tyler, author of Still Right, and Saul Anuzis present the conservative case for electing the President by National Popular Vote
  • Watch Jesse Wegman, author of Let the People Pick the President
  • Watch Michael Steele, former Chair of the Republican National Committee
  • Watch Prof. George Edwards III, author of Why the Electoral College Is Bad for America
  • Watch Dr. John Hudak, author of Presidential Pork: White House Influence over the Distribution of Federal Grants
  • Watch debate at R Street between National Popular Vote's Eileen Reavey and Patrick Rosenstiel and NPV's opponents Tara Ross and Trent England
  • New introductory video (8 minutes)
  • 14 Videos on National Popular Vote web site
  • Answers to 131 myths 
  • One-page description of National Popular Vote