
October is here, and that means Halloween is coming up. But what's even spookier? Election Day is in exactly 1 month from today.

When we emailed you at the 2-month mark, we had just learned about our opponent's huge amount of spending -- like the $841,000 she and her family put towards TV ads this month alone.

Now we're at the 1-month mark, and our opponent has yet to shy away from the big spending. With just 1 month left, we've got to fundraise as much as possible.

Not only that, but our opponent just released her tax returns. Her family wealth has given her the ability to pump huge sums of money into her campaign, and at over 300 pages, who knows what tax breaks can be found in her returns.

As we saw this week, Trump's tax records show he paid just $750 in federal taxes in 2017, and he paid no taxes for 15 years prior.

Once again, the wealthiest people in our country stay wealthy by working through tax loopholes that only benefit the 1%.

Most Americans have paid more in federal income taxes than Trump. Our tax system is set up to benefit the wealthy and keep money in their hands -- and Trump's presidency has allowed this rigged system to grow stronger.

It's time to prove that politics is for the people and by the people -- chip in $5 or whatever you can to our people's campaign today >>

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As a people-powered, people-funded campaign, we could really use your support.

We can't match our opponent's spending, but we can raise enough to keep delivering this campaign's message to voters. When they know our message, we earn their support and their vote.

A grassroots campaign by the people is how politics should be -- not by billionaires. Not by special interests. Not by corporate money or PACs -- but by the people.

Most people aren't born into rich families. Very few people have the resources to go to an Ivy League or to climb the political totem pole. So many people can barely afford their health insurance, the number one reason people are in debt in this country.

As someone who had a tough upbringing, I know how exhausting it is seeing the rich get richer. As an honest taxpayer, seeing the loopholes the rich use to exploit the working class to expand their bank accounts is why I'm in this fight with you.

A person's financial status should not determine their worth in society. We must work to close tax loopholes to make sure the wealthiest people are paying their fair share.

Friend, that's why we've got to keep the momentum up for this grassroots campaign until November 3rd.

That's why I'm reaching out for your help. Can you chip in today to make sure we can take our grassroots movement all the way to Congress? Getting so close to Election Day is nerve wracking, but at the end of the day, I'm beyond grateful to be on this journey with you.

Thanks for believing in me,

-- Georgette Gómez