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Team Toomey has never stopped working for the best interests of Pennsylvanians and Americans across the country.
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Team Toomey has never stopped working for the best interests of Pennsylvanians and Americans across the country.    

We need your help to continue doing good work for our country. 

Join millions of Americans who are chipping in $10 today to help defend our majority in the Senate! 

Right now we are worried about some of our key Senate races.

The Democrats are targeting our seats to try and take our majority in the Senate. They are only four seats away. The dems are already fighting us on everything. Despite the good common sense solutions we are putting forward, they refuse to listen unless it meets their partisan demands.

Can you imagine what would happen if they take our majority?

We don’t want to find out. Help Team Toomey defend our Senate majority by donating today!

Pitch in $250

Pitch in $100

Pitch in $50 

Pitch in $25 

We are working hard to defend our majority and protect your best interests.

Every bit of your support through donations, volunteering, and spreading our message, reminds us why we fight the good fight.

With your help, we know we can win this.

Thank you for everything you do,

Team Toomey

Paid for by Friends of Pat Toomey, Inc.

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PO Box 220 
Orefield, PA 18096