From Brady Newsletter <[email protected]>
Subject We had MAJOR victories this week!
Date October 3, 2020 7:39 PM
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We’re Urging Our Senators: #BlockBarrett!

As you read this, Mitch McConnell is desperately doing everything in his power to rush through the Senate confirmation of Trump's NRA-backed Supreme Court nominee, Judge Amy Coney Barrett. But this is a grossly undemocratic process, and we cannot allow it to advance. We are mobilizing Brady supporters everywhere to fight back. We need you to speak out now —

Sign Our Petition: Demand the Senate wait until after Inau guration Day to confirm a new Supreme Court justice! [[link removed]]

SIGN THE PETITION [[link removed]]

It’s simple: The Supreme Court is #OurCourt. We, the people, should get to decide. On November 3, the American people are choosing our next president — and that president must be allowed to pick our next Supreme Court justice. That’s what a fair democracy means — that we, the people, get to decide. In fact, polls show that the majority of Americans, including many Republicans, want to choose in November who fills Justice Ginsburg’s seat. We need to fight harder than ever to protect American lives and save our democracy. Please sign our petition to senators now! [[link removed]]

To learn more, read our memo, "The Case Against the Nomination of Amy Coney Barrett to the U.S. Supreme Court." [[link removed]] []
Victory: Court Rules on Brady Case, Strikes Down Harmful Law Giving the Gun Industry Legal Immunity

We just changed the legal landscape for victims of gun violence everywhere.

This week, a Pennsylvania court ruled on our case representing the parents and family of 13-year-old J.R. Gustafson. In 2016, J.R. was killed when his friend unintentionally shot him with a gun thought to be unloaded. That gun lacked a crucial safety feature that could have prevented this tragedy. So we took the gun industry to court.

[link removed] [[link removed]] Thirteen year-old J.R. Gustafson was killed in 2016 when his 14-year-old friend unintentionally shot him with a gun lacking a critical safety feature.

In ruling on our case, the court struck down a federal gun industry protection law, called the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act (PLCAA). Our legal team has been fighting PLCCA since this harmful law was first passed. This victory by Brady Legal is a step forward for victims of gun violence be able to hold negligent gun industry actors accountable in court. The court called PLCAA “repugnant to the Constitution of the United States.” We couldn’t say it better ourselves.

READ MORE FROM CNN [[link removed]]

If this victory holds, and other courts follow it, gun makers and sellers will no longer be immune in court. Victims and their families — like J.R’s parents — will have a path to justice. And gun makers, like the one that made the gun that killed J.R., can be pushed to make business and manufacturing reforms that will prevent tragedies and save lives.

This is a landmark victory for victims of gun violence, and it will also pave the way for lifesaving reforms. But the gun industry will be sure to fight this ruling, and cases like it that we are litigating across the country. Please co nsider making a tax-deductible donation to support our work. [[link removed]?] []

Honor With Action: Three Years Since the Las Vegas Shooting

Three years ago, the date “October 1” became notorious with the deadliest shooting in modern U.S. history. That day in 2017, a gunman used an assault weapon to murder 60 people and injure upwards of 800 more at the Las Vegas Route 91 festival. Today, we remember those victims. And we vow to honor them with action — including by fighting to ban assault weapons, once and for all.

To honor the victims and survivors of the Las Vegas massacre, please join us in urging Congress to ban assault weapons. [[link removed]]

TAKE ACTION NOW [[link removed]]

We know that banning assault weapons is effective because data proves it. In 1994, Brady joined then-senator Joe Biden in helping pass a nationwide assault weapons ban. Under the ban, which ran from 1994-2004, America saw a 37% decline in gun massacres and a 70% decline in assault weapons traced to crime. Together, we can ban these weapons of war and prevent senseless tragedies.

Brady Donor of the Week: Rebecca Price, Robert and Allison Price Family Foundation

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My grandfather started supporting Brady in 1981, right around the time of the assassination attempt on President Ronald Reagan [[link removed]] . At first, my family renewed those grants to continue the tradition. My family met Jim Brady [[link removed]] a few times at events and through mutual friends. We continued to renew the grants to Brady yearly after my grandfather passed away to honor his memory and his wishes.

However, as a mother, I became so concerned about my children being able to go to school and come back alive, this issue became personal to me. Making sure my kids are safe is the priority. I’m also married to a Marine veteran [[link removed]] , who is a gun owner [[link removed]] and a master firearms expert. He understands gun safety and responsibility. I appreciate the End Family Fire program [[link removed]] , which spreads the message about how important it is that gun owners secure and take care of their guns to ensure the safety of all our children.

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Victory: We Passed Landmark Legislation in California!

Gov. Newsom signed four lifesaving bills into law — including our priority bill on handgun microstamping

This week, we ushered in a major legislative win [[link removed]] : we made handgun microstamping the law of the land in California! For 15 years now, our Brady California members have fought tirelessly for this legislation.

What is Handgun “Microstamping?”

Microstamping technology leaves unique markings, or “microstamps,” on bullet casings so that law enforcement can trace evidence from crime scenes to the gun that fired them. This revolutionizes law enforcement's ability to identify shooters and gun traffickers, apprehend them before they do more harm, and hold them accountable.

Over recent months, Brady California members mobilized activists and sent roughly 15,000 messages to state legislators, urging them to stand up to the NRA and the gun lobby [[link removed]] — which balked at the cost of implementing reforms — and support this crucial gun reform policy. And, thanks to those who called, testified, petitioned, and more, their hard work paid off! In addition to microstamping, Gov. Newsom signed three more bills into law that will strengthen extreme risk orders in California, ensure responsible gun dealer business practices, and strengthen gun and ammo dealer inspections at gun shows. Next up: Passing microstamping in states across the country! []

Brady’s podcast, “Red, Blue, and Brady,” explores the epidemic of gun violence in America — with moments of levity and fun. New episodes include:

🎧 Sen. Chris Murphy on “The Violence Inside Us” [[link removed]]
Gun safety champion Sen. Chris Murphy (CT) discusses his new book, “The Violence Inside Us,” on the history of guns in America and the fight for common-sense gun reform.

🎧 Prisons, Punishment, Policing — and Guns [[link removed]]
Pulitzer-prize winning historian Heather Ann Thompson breaks down the conversation about incarceration, policing, gun violence and the Voting Rights Act.

🎧 Decolonizing the Vote with Christine Nobiss [[link removed]]
Native and Indigenous communities in the U.S. have long suffered high rates of violence, including gun suicide and police violence. We talk with Christine Nobiss, co-chair and founder with Great Plains Action Society, about the democratic processes that would empower these communities.

Are you already subscribed? Share our podcast with your friends on Facebook! [[link removed]]

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The Case That Could Topple the Gun Industry’s Special Legal Protections [[link removed]] ,

The Trace

After a child's accidental shooting death, Pennsylvania appeals court rules federal gun industry protection law unconstitutional [[link removed]] , CNNIn Latest Clash with NRA, Newsom signs bill to help police trace guns [[link removed]] , Los Angeles Times

Online gun marketplace Armslist again named in wrongful death case over Wisconsin homicide [[link removed]] , Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

The Anti-Filibuster Armies Are Mounting Up [[link removed]] , The New RepublicPennsylvania court strikes down law protecting gun manufacturers from lawsuits [[link removed]] , Fox News [] We Thank the Many Activists Who Fought 15 Years to Pass Handgun Microstamping in California!

This week, we celebrated a victory that was 15 years in the making when Gov. Newsom signed our priority gun reform bill into law [[link removed]] . This legislative battle started back in 2007, when California first passed a microstamping law. But unfortunately, the gun industry effectively boycotted the law, balking at the costs of implementing these safety reforms. It is only with this new law, signed this week, that microstamping will finally be a reality in California. With this win under our belt, we will be even better positioned than ever to advocate for lifesaving microstamping laws in states across the country.

We have countless advocates, including our Brady California [[link removed]] leaders, to thank for their tireless activism over the last 15 years of this legislative fight: Amanda Wilcox, Nick Wilcox, Mattie Scott, Assemblymember David Chui, Jesse Gabriel, Scott Weiner, Griffin Dix, Kay Holmon, Brian Malte, Mary Leigh and Charlie Blek, Tim Heyne, Josh Horwitz, Rebecca Marcus, Mike Feuer, Karen Arntzen, Nancy O’Malley, Stephan Abrams, and more.

And our course, we send our biggest thanks to our California activists. Thank you to the hundreds of grassroots advocates who sent some 15,000 messages to their state legislators to secure this landmark gun safety win for our country! []

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Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence
840 First Street, NE
Suite 400
Washington, DC 20002
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