Ballots cast and confirmed COVID deaths worldwide
Join us for the People's Day of Action
One month out from the end of the election season and there are still folks who need help with voting. Will you step up?


This week, we hit two important milestones:

Over 1,000,000 ballots have been cast in this election. To put that in perspective, at this point in the 2016 election, only 9,525 votes had been cast.

Over 1,000,000 confirmed deaths from COVID-19 worldwide. And the United States is one of the biggest contributors to this dire statistic — we’ve surpassed 200,000 deaths. One out of every five COVID fatalities worldwide are American friends, family, and loved ones.

Both of these milestones are historic and highlight two incredibly important points: The first shows how motivated folks are to have their voices heard this election season and the second illustrates why we need new leadership.

We’re officially one month out from the end of the election season. Call and text voters to ensure every eligible voter has the opportunity to make their voice heard in this election.

From political figures to celebrities like Kylie Jenner, everyone is talking about registering to vote. But the truth is, talk is just talk without action.

So many folks face obstacles to voting — finding reliable voting information, figuring out how they can register to vote and what sort of identification they will need, planning how they can vote most safely. These obstacles are real and are in place for a reason: Some people are actively trying to ensure that we can’t vote. Their voter suppression efforts thrive off our silence and inattention, but when enough of us speak up and out with our votes they cannot and will not get away with it. 

We need your help to make sure this isn’t the case. Join us in contacting voters and making sure everyone has the ability to vote this election season.

With you in this final sprint,

Election Team
NextGen America

NextGen America
268 Bush St. #2919
San Francisco CA 94104-3503

Paid for by NextGen Climate Action Committee;;
not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

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