
The New Mexico Republican Party likes to tell others to “Respect New Mexico”, but right now it is showing no respect for working parents and no respect for the truth.

Instead, they’re going lower than low with a new attack on State Senate candidate Siah Correa Hemphill. Their attack is not only based on lies, it’s also a direct attack on all hard working parents doing their best to take care of their families.

I’ve been proud to support Siah throughout this year. She is a working mom from Silver City, and has been teaching in our public schools for 26 years. Back in 2013, Siah took unpaid leave under the Family Medical Leave Act to care for her injured, disabled son and newborn. When she needed to go to a part-time schedule to care for her sons, her employer refused and unlawfully fired her.

Now, her Republican opponent, Jimbo Williams, and the Republican Party are claiming Siah took paid leave, calling her a “scam artist” for the sacrifices she made to take care of her family.

I stand by Siah, and I hope you will too. Chip in to help send Siah to the State Senate today!

I see the dedication of working moms daily—in my home, my boys and I value and credit Julie for all she does for our family. Unfortunately, the Republican Party is simply out of touch with what parents do to provide for their families.

I will always be on the side of working families. If Siah’s sacrifice for her family makes her a scam artist, then I stand with all the #ScamArtistMoms in New Mexico. Will you stand with us today by chipping in to Siah’s campaign?
Your Senator,







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Martin Heinrich for Senate
PO Box 25763
Albuquerque, NM 87125