We all need to take steps now to defend democracy – here’s how to do your part.

With misinformation spreading about mail-in voting, it's up to us to make sure every vote is counted this election. We all need to take steps now to defend democracy — here's how to do your part.Take it from a dictator: Democracy lives or dies with us. Our new, shocking ad is blowing up. While the footage is fake, the threat is very real: We could be on the brink of an electoral coup, and we need to mobilize now. Watch the ad and take action. We owe it to our troops to count their ballots. Count Every Hero is a cross-partisan public awareness campaign to ensure all service members' votes are counted. Support our troops and the campaign: Follow on FacebookFollow on TwitterThis is not a drill. It's the 11th hour for democracy. We are a fiercely non-partisan movement with one mission: Protect democracy. We must act now. The more steps you take, the bigger difference you make: Take action to save the vote.The Latest from State Anti-Corruption CampaignsPoliticians Can't Fool Voters in Missouri: A second judge ruled that politicians' pro-gerrymandering ballot language had "major problems," and rewrote the language to be more accurate. Missouri politicians won't fool voters this November. Learn more.The opposition is floundering in Virginia: The Yes on 1 campaign racked up a high profile endorsement from the Washington Post and successfully fought back an attack lawsuit from the Democratic Party. Join the campaign.Recent Election Proves the Point for Ranked Choice Voting in Massachusetts: The winner of a congressional primary had less than 25% of the vote. Bay Staters, including Elizabeth Warren and Attorney General Maura Healey, are ready to vote Yes on 2 this November. Support Yes on 2.Alaska Poll Shows Voters Overwhelmingly Support Ranked Choice Voting: After racking up endorsements from across the political spectrum, recent polling proves voters are ready to throw the two-party duopoly out the door. Check out the campaign.Don't live in one of these states? Support campaigns across the country by joining the Action Brigade, our online volunteer community. Join the Action Brigade. Tell the Senate Judiciary Committee: Get SCOTUS Nominee Coney-Barrett on the record about corruption. The next generation of Supreme Court decisions are on the line, and we must ensure the next Justice will defend democracy, not special interests. Add your name.Leaders from racial justice and democracy reform movements convene. A country that remains unequal and unjust based on the color of one’s skin is not a country that represents every American. We heard from a bipartisan panel of racial justice advocates about how to create a government of, by, and for everyone. Catch up with Unrig Roundtable.Our democracy is on the line. In the days after Nov. 3rd, will you look back and ask yourself, did I do enough? Did I do everything possible? It’s time to dig deep and fight like hell for our future.
