A huge new milestone ahead of the Climate Strike

Fossil Free Digest

Dear John,

Breaking news this morning: We’ve reached $11 trillion USD divested from fossil fuels!

With 22 new commitments reported today including Catholic bishops’ organizations in the Philippines, Eastern Africa, and Italy, it’s clear our people-powered movement has grown into a mighty global force to end the age of fossil fuels.

The news comes less than 2 weeks away from the Global Climate Strike on September 20-27. At last tally, over 2,500 strike events are organized in 117 countries – and every day the momentum builds.

Business as usual is no longer an option for the millions of people mobilized worldwide. We’ve got the latest on the strikes below – and keep an eye out for live coverage from September 20 around the world in our next newsletter.

See you in the streets,

In Case You Missed It

Social license, revoked?
: Investors responsible for $11 trillion USD have now divested from oil, coal and gas companies fueling the climate crisis. That’s record pace: we’ve blown past the goal set last year of $10 trillion by the end of 2020.

Fossil Free campaigners around the world are invited to tune in live on Tuesday-Wednesday to Financing the Future, a global divestment summit that opens with this news in South Africa today. Watch the celebration video for more

Under 2 weeks to go: Greta Thunberg sailed into New York harbor after a 15-day ocean crossing. She’s now joined forces with young activists in a final two-week push before the global Climate Strikes kick off. Tomorrow, she’ll meet with Emma González, the gun control activist from March for Our Lives and Nobel-prize winning Malala Yousafzai. It’s a reminder of how the climate struggle bridges all movements for justice. More you can do

Teen superstar:
Last week teen superstar Billie Eilish joined a rapidly building wave of artists, global media outlets, influencers, unions and brave politicians helping to turn the world’s attention firmly onto the climate crisis. She called on her 37 million followers to “take it to the streets” this September 20. 

Hurricane Dorian: The Category 5 hurricane has caused "generational devastation" in the Bahamas, uniting Caribbean leaders: "We're at the frontline of climate change but we don't cause it." Officials expect the death toll will continue to rise as large parts of some islands remain inaccessible to rescue crews. Do more

People stand against coal on August 30 in Istanbul. Photo: 350 Turkiye

‘Come strike with us’:
Activists turned up at the headquarters of Hattat Holding, the developer for Hema coal plant in Bartin-Amasra, Turkey. They were acting in solidarity with Bartin Platform, a group who’s been resisting the plant for over a decade. After decrying the climate crime scene, they invited people to join Climate Strikes on September 20 to continue the fight against fossil fuels. More 

Outrage in Queensland: First Nations and climate activists in Australia are preparing for new resistance after the state government withdrew land rights for the Wangan and Jagalingou, to make way for Adani’s coal mine. It’s putting their homelands, ceremonial grounds, and water at risk. Read more

Employers prepare: After reports last week of millions-strong labor unions endorsing the strikes, we’re now seeing major businesses jump on board. Companies like Patagonia, Lush Cosmetics, Ben & Jerry’s and more are publicly supporting strikes and encouraging employees to take part. More entities, from private banks to school boards, are communicating their own policies for September 20 and 27. More

One to Watch

“How does the strike work?”

In this intergenerational Q&A, 3 young strikers – Xiye Bastida, Daphne Frias, and Jamie Margolin – answer Strike questions from older members of their communities about how to get ready for September 20-27 and why it matters. Watch


Use Your Power

Got a website? Use it to join the Digital Climate Strike. On September 20, websites across the globe — from major sites like Tumblr & Kickstarter to personal blogs and social media profiles — will “go green” with easy-to-install widgets or by shutting down entirely to signpost millions of people to their nearest #ClimateStrike. You can add it to your site, too. 

We’re also excited to announce newly added Online Training webinars to help get you ready. They’ll cover:

Safety & Risk -  how to stay safe at your events (this Tuesday and Wednesday only!)
Live Coverage - how to tell the best story of your strike as it happens
Countdown to Climate Strike Q&A – to answer lingering questions
And more on Escalation, Goals and Strategy, and how to Go Big!

See the full schedule and register now for the webinars:


Sign up for a Training


That’s it for now. See you in less than two weeks with live coverage of the Strikes!

If you’re looking for other ways to help in the meantime, you can donate to build the movement.