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Yesterday, we learned President Donald J. Trump and First Lady Melania Trump tested positive for COVID-19. Our fellow Hoosiers, Vice President Mike Pence and Second Lady Karen Pence, have both tested negative.

We know that their recovery will be powered by the prayers of millions of Americans — Republicans, Democrats, Independents — who want our First Family, and all suffering from COVID-19, to recover quickly.  

That’s why we’re sending you this note. Will you sign our card and join us in wishing President Trump and First Lady Melania a speedy recover?

-> Click Here to Sign Our Card <--

We know our president will keep working hard for our country, even as he safely quarantines due to the virus! So let’s send him some good wishes during this time.

Get well soon, President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump! Hoosiers throughout our state are praying for you.

-Your Indiana Republican Party

Click Here to Sign Our Get Well Card
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