At this past weekend's Convention, the Metro Atlanta DSA membership voted to endorse Zan Fort, a working-class fighter challenging the corporate Democratic establishment in a special primary election on November 3rd! He supports Medicare for All, a $15 minimum wage, the Green New Deal, and the Black Lives Matter movement. He's fighting for a society that works for the many - not just the wealthy few.
He's not taking corporate money or fundraising in wine cellars - he's counting on grassroots support from ordinary working class people like you! You can help out immediately by donating $27 to Zan's campaign. But more importantly, our electoral working group will be organizing canvasses, phonebanks, and get-out-the-vote events over the next month in a DSA For Fort campaign to talk to voters about Democratic Socialism and elect Zan Fort to the State Senate in the process. Join us at one of these upcoming events!
If you're interested in helping plan future events, email [email protected].