Plus other big news in the movement
Join the International Protest ([link removed])Against Pornhub ([link removed])
In 2020 alone, we’ve seen the global #Traffickinghub campaign ([link removed]) expand and sweep across the globe as it has gained over 2 million supporters ([link removed]).
On October 2, 2020, the United Nations observed its International Day of Non-Violence ([link removed]). This is a timely opportunity to protest Pornhub and use our voices and platforms to stand peacefully against the violence and harm that Pornhub perpetuates.
Survivors and advocates are protesting around the world because it is past time to hold this mega-corporation accountable for commodifying and monetizing violence against women and children.
Join the international protest virtually!
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Defending Dignity Weekly Newsletter
Highlights: Join the #TraffickingHub Protest, EARN IT Act Introduced in U.S. House, Upcoming S.H.E. Summit, and more!
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New Prominent Group Survivors ([link removed])
This is a huge mistake on Survivors' Agenda's part which will push more women into abuse!
"Full decriminalization serves the interests of the powerful, not the vulnerable and exploited."
Help us push back on this backwards position that will only lead to the abuse and exploitation of more women and children by:
Sharing this statement ([link removed]) by our partner World Without Exploitation.
Sharing these graphics ([link removed]) on social media with #SurvivorsAgenda #IncludeSexTradeSurvivors #WhoseAgendaIsIt.
We will send you more actions soon!
Read Full Statement ([link removed])
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EARN IT Act Introduced in U.S. House of Representatives ([link removed])
Representatives Sylvia Garcia (D-TX) and Ann Wagner (R-MO) introduced the EARN IT Act in the U.S. House of Represenatives.
The House version of EARN IT is the companion to the Senate version co-sponsored by Senators Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) and Lindsey Graham (R-SC), approved unanimously by the Senate Judiciary Committee on July 2.
The EARN IT Act is the strongest piece of legislation that can confront the explosion of online child sexual abuse material. If passed, it will finally be possible to hold Big Tech legally accountable to report the sexual abuse of children online.
Click here ([link removed]) to Tweet a "Thank you!" to Representatives Garcia and Wagner!
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The Support. Heal. Empower. ([link removed])Virtual Recovery Summit is Next Week! ([link removed])
This faith-based, online summit will answer the questions female porn addicts are asking and lead them safely into the process of recovery.
More than 30 women, storytellers, and experts in pornography addiction recovery from around the world will share their research and experiences.
This summit is also designed for pastors, ministry leaders, and counselors become better equipped to serve women who struggle with pornography addiction.
Register Here ([link removed])
Get Involved and Take Action Today:
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With gratitude,
Dawn Hawkins
Sr. Vice President & Executive Director
National Center on Sexual Exploitation
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440 1st Street NW, Suite 840 | Washington, DC 20001 US
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