Join me in praying for the health of our President and First Lady

Barbara and I regularly pray for President Trump and our First Lady as 1 Timothy 2:1-2 tells us to pray for those in authority. But today, we have an additional prayer that they get well soon after testing positive for coronavirus.

Grassley Direct

I spoke with Nate Puhl at KILR in Estherville and Jacob Hall with the Iowa Standard in Sioux Center. We discussed the Supreme Court of the United States and absentee voting.

NEW VIDEO: An excellent nominee to the Supreme Court


Judge Amy Coney Barrett is a supremely qualified jurist, a revered legal scholar and a role model to many. 

Q&A: Tax Policy 101


Q. How did the Trump tax cuts grow the economy? 

Q: Would tax increases put the economic recovery at risk?

Quick Links

I had the opportunity to meet with President Trump’s nominee to the Supreme Court, Judge Amy Coney Barrett. She has shown herself to be a highly respected jurist with outstanding qualifications in both academia and on the Seventh Circuit.

Any Democratic court packing plan would be nothing more than an effort to subvert the will of the people when they couldn’t get the results they wanted at the ballot box that would have let their party pick and confirm judges.

President Trump has launched initiatives to lower the out-of-pocket cost of insulin and signed an executive order that will start programs to lower drug costs. All Democrats have done is walk away from the negotiating table on a bill to lower prescription costs because of election year party politics.

No American should be questioning our free and fair elections. I have great faith in Iowa’s election officials and postal workers. Iowans who vote in person or absentee can be assured that your vote will count, the same as any election.

Post of the Week


Today I met with Judge Amy Coney Barrett, Pres Trump’s nominee for the Supreme Court. Judge Barrett is an excellent candidate. I’m looking fwd to learning more about Judge Barrett during the Senate’s advice & consent process + will evaluate on merits as always

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