Keep Space for Peace: week of activities

The militarisation of space has become an increasing concern for peace activists over the past couple of years, not least following US President Donald Trump’s creation of a ‘Space Force’. Billions of pounds are being spent by multiple countries on militarising space – on satellites, ground-based stations and new technologies such as armed drones controlled through satellites. Warfare has become almost totally dependent on space technology.

Every year, the Global Network against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space – of which CND is a member – calls a Keep Space for Peace week of protest. This year's actions launch today with many events happening across the UK and internationally, a selection of which we've highlighted below.

More information

A new booklet from the US group Beyond Nuclear examines the US Space Force and the dangers of nuclear power and nuclear war in space: CND Chair, Professor Dave Webb, is the convenor of the Global Network. He has written a blog with the latest news on “the world’s newest war-fighting domain”:
New: 'Nuclear Power? No Thanks' and 'All You Need Is Love' T-shirts

We're delighted to announce the launch of two new T-shirt designs on our Teemill store: 'Nuclear Power? No Thanks', and 'All You Need Is Love'.

To celebrate, we're offering free postage and packaging on all orders made this weekend. Simply place your order before midnight on Sunday to take advantage.
Buy Now
All of our garments are made from 100% organic cotton in a wind-powered factory, and all purchases go towards helping our campaign for a nuclear-free world.
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