Last night, LAPPL Vice President Jerretta Sandoz and Director Robert Harris presented to the Police Commission and its “Advisory Committee on Building Trust and Equity” at their virtual community forum.
This community forum marked the only time the Police Commission’s advisory committee has sought input from the rank-and-file on substantive policy issues. Last night, we highlighted several facts that have been overlooked by policy makers; that the LAPD is a national model for police best practices, that the public firmly rejects the BLM authored “People’s Budget” which calls for a more than 90% cut in the LAPD budget, and that the LAPPL has been advocating for a national reform plan based on what you do day in and day out trying to keep Los Angeles safe.
Further, we used the Department’s own statistics from its 2019 Use of Force Year-End Review to show the racial make-up of violent crime victims, violent crime suspects and to pose a question to the advisory commission and anyone else listening in. The PowerPoint slides we presented on race, suspects and victims are below.