
We are excited to coordinate with all the Wilco Dems for a Lit Drop Event this weekend to pass key information for Democrats and Rep Bucy in areas in and near Cedar Park. This weekend will mark a pivotal point in the election season: a month until Election Day. Please sign up here to join us Sat & Sun 10/3 & 10/4: https://www.mobilize.us/johnbucyfortexashousedistrict136/event/335082/

We are also asking folks to download the MiniVAN app onto their phones to help navigate them to the target doors. If you are unable to utilize this app, we are able to provide paper lists. If you require paper lists, please notify xxxxxx - 813-957-6690 or via [email protected] if you haven't done so already.

download the Android version clicking here  

Download the Apple version clicking here

Please downtown the app and get accustomed to it. View this PDF link to see how to navigate this app for lit dropping: A short video tutorial on how to use this app can be found here: https://youtu.be/QAfGzymkyfU However, as a reminder, a major difference from this video is that we won't be knocking on doors, just leaving campaign literature.

Once you arrive at our launch site, please check in with a staff member, get setup with the list of addresses you need to go to for lit dropping, grab the lit pieces and any other items you may need, we will gather briefly at a distance for a group photo, and then we'll be on our way!

My best,

Deputy Campaign Manager
Rep. John Bucy for Texas | https://bucyfortexas.com/
813-957-6690 | Donate for a Blue Texas