Hi John -- After I shared my concern about the potential for some 100,000 Pennsylvania voters being disenfranchised for a simple mistake while voting by mail, so many reached out. You expressed your outrage at the court’s decision, pitched in to help us boost our field efforts, and even replied to our email to sign up for a volunteer shift.
I want to express my gratitude for the support you continue to show my campaign -- and for doing your part to ensure every vote is counted. 
Today we need to raise $7,560 more to boost next week’s efforts in the field. Voters will be receiving their ballots soon, and we imagine they’ll be eager to send them back. Help us make sure that everyone has the information they need to properly submit their ballots according to the measures outlined under our state Supreme Court’s new ruling.
You can pitch in $5, $10, $25, or whatever you can to support our voter turnout strategy here: >> https://secure.actblue.com/donate/marygayforcongress-nd
Thanks for all you do,
Mary Gay
Paid For By Scanlon For Congress

Scanlon For Congress
PO Box 263
Swarthmore PA 19081 United States