From New Dems Press <>
Subject New Democrat Coalition Weekly Wrap 10/02/2020
Date October 2, 2020 10:38 PM
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This week, following New Democrat Coalition (NDC) Members’ push for further action on COVID-19 relief before Congress adjourns, Speaker Pelosi unveiled an updated version of The Heroes Act. NDC Chair Derek Kilmer applauded the Speaker’s leadership, and New Dem Members overwhelmingly came together to support its passage in the House.

Our constituents are hurting, and public health officials warn of a coming resurgent wave of infections this fall. It's time for the Senate and Administration to join the House in good faith to urgently act on this much needed relief for the American people. Congress should remain in session until the Senate passes this bill or a deal is reached.

NDC Chair Derek Kilmer delivered the Democratic Weekly Address, highlighting the pressing need for a coronavirus relief package that meets the needs of Americans across the country.

More on what New Dems have been up to below.

NDC Chair Statement on Updated Version of The Heroes Act ([link removed]-)
NDC Chair Derek Kilmer (WA-06) issued a statement following Speaker Pelosi’s unveiling of an updated version of The Heroes Act. The package makes good on Democrats offer to meet the administration and Senate Republicans in the middle, and NDC Members joined together to overwhelmingly support its passage in the House this week. New Dems have asked that the House remain in session until the Senate passes this bill or a deal is reached.
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NDC Chair Delivers Democratic Weekly Address ([link removed])
NDC Chair Derek Kilmer (WA-06) delivered the Democratic Weekly Address, highlighting the need for Congress and the Administration to reach a deal on a coronavirus relief package. NDC Members have been calling for action & House Democrats are working in good faith to reach a deal that meets the needs of the American people.

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NDC Chair Derek Kilmer Delivers Democratic Weekly Address

Floor Action

House Passes Peters’ Bipartisan Legislation to Prevent Youth Suicide, Violence in Schools ([link removed])
The House passed NDC Vice Chair Scott Peters’ (CA-52) bipartisan Suicide and Threat Assessment Nationally Dedicated to Universal Protection (STANDUP) Act. The bill requires states, schools and Tribes to implement commonsense, evidence-based policies to prevent suicides in order to receive Project AWARE grants, which boost youth mental health awareness among schools and communities. The bill applies to grades 6 through 12, and would equip teachers, administrators and students with the skills they need to identify, intervene and get help for people who are at risk of harming themselves or others.

House Passes Bera’s Legislation to Protect Electric Grid from Cyberattacks and Natural Disasters ([link removed])
The House passed NDC Leadership Member Ami Bera’s (CA-07) NDC-endorsed Grid Security Research and Development Act to protect the country’s electric grid from cyberattacks and natural disasters. The Grid Security Research and Development Act authorizes a comprehensive, coordinated research effort across Department of Energy, Department of Homeland Security, National Institute of Standards and Technology, and National Science Foundation to advance cybersecurity capabilities and climate change and extreme weather resilience for the energy sector.

House Passes Schneider’s Bipartisan Legislation to Prepare the U.S. for Possible Resurgence of COVID-19 ([link removed])
The House passed Rep. Brad Schneider’s (IL-10) bipartisan COVID Preparedness, Response and Effective Planning for Advanced Requirements by the Executive Branch (PREPARE) Act. The bipartisan bill would require federal agencies to submit a report to Congress on the steps they are taking to respond to a potential resurgence of COVID-19, including measurable goals, anticipated challenges, and how they will consult with Congress.

House Passes Cisneros’ Bipartisan Legislation to Overhaul National Stockpile, Make More Critical Supplies in America ([link removed])
The House passed Rep. Gil Cisneros’ (CA-39) bipartisan Strengthening America’s Strategic National Stockpile Act to reduce America’s dependence on foreign sources of critical medical supplies the country needs to fight COVID-19. The bill makes improvements and updates to America’s Strategic National Stockpile and boosts domestic manufacturing of those supplies here in America.

House Passes Dean’s Bipartisan Legislation to Give Small Businesses Greater Access to Loans ([link removed])
The House passed Rep. Madeleine Dean’s (PA-04) bipartisan Uniform Treatment of NRSRO’s Act to address businesses’ need for greater access to federal lending facilities in the time of COVID, and uniform treatment of credit rating agencies in the application process for much-needed loans.

House Passes Conolly’s Legislation to Protect Federal Employees from Coronavirus ([link removed])
The House passed Rep. Gerry Connolly’s (VA-11) Chai Suthammanont Remembrance Act to protect federal employees from the coronavirus. Named in honor of Chai Suthammanont, a federal employee at a Quantico daycare center, the legislation requires each federal agency to publish online a plan to reopen a federal office building at least 30 days prior to the return of federal employees.

House Passes Wexton’s Bipartisan Legislation to Help Curb Purchases of Uyghur Forced Labor Products ([link removed])
The House passed Rep. Jennifer Wexton’s (VA-10) bipartisan Uyghur Forced Labor Disclosure Act, which directs the Securities and Exchange Commission to require publicly traded companies to annually disclose imports of manufactured goods and materials that originate, or are sourced from, forced labor in Xinjiang.

House Passes Malinowski’s Bipartisan Resolution Condemning the QAnon Movement ([link removed])
The House passed Rep. Tom Malinowski’s (NJ-07) bipartisan resolution condemning QAnon, a movement promoting a collection of unfounded conspiracy theories that have spread widely on the internet since 2017. The resolution marks the first official bipartisan condemnation of this conspiracy movement that is actively working to undermine public trust in America’s democratic institutions and influence U.S. elections.
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Rep. Tom Malinowski (NJ-11) Highlights His Resolution Condemning QAnon on the House Floor
Committee Action

Kilmer, Select Committee on the Modernization of Congress Pass Final Round of Recommendations to Make Congress Work Better ([link removed])
The bipartisan Select Committee on the Modernization of Congress, chaired by NDC Chair Derek Kilmer, unanimously passed 40 new recommendations to make Congress work better for the American people.

Foreign Affairs Committee Passes Bera’s Resolution Celebrating Strong U.S.-South Korea Alliance ([link removed])
The Foreign Affairs Committee passed NDC Leadership Member Ami Bera’s (CA-07) resolution recognizing the 70th anniversary of the outbreak of the Korean War and the enduring alliance between the United States and the Republic of Korea.
NDC Member Legislation

DelBene, Sewell, Sherill Introduce Legislation to Incentivize Faster COVID-19 Test Results ([link removed])
NDC Vice Chair Suzan DelBene (WA-01), NDC Vice Chair Terri Sewell ([link removed]) (AL-07), and NDC Freshman Whip Mikie Sherrill ([link removed]) (NJ-11) introduced the Strictly Pay for Efficient and Expedited Delivery of Your (SPEEDY) COVID-19 Tests Act. The bill encourages diagnostic laboratories to maximize testing volume and turnaround COVID-19 test results faster, which can improve the diagnostic value of the result and can mitigate the spread of the virus.

Kuster Leads Introduction of House Resolution Condemning Forced Unnecessary Medical Procedures ([link removed])
NDC Vice Chair Annie Kuster (NH-02) co-led 172 Members, including 65 New Dem Members, in introducing a House Resolution ([link removed]) to urgently condemn performing unwanted and unnecessary medical procedures without the full, informed consent of individuals. It also recognizes that everyone deserves to control their own reproductive choices and make informed choices about their bodies. Additionally, the resolution says that further accountability, oversight and transparency is necessary to protect people in the custody of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

Wexton, Beyer, Casten, Foster Introduce Bicameral Legislation to Direct Study on Spread of COVID-19 ([link removed])
Reps. Jennifer Wexton (VA-10), Don Beyer (VA-08), Sean Casten (IL-06), and Bill Foster (IL-11) introduced the bicameral COVID-19 Disinformation Research and Reporting Act to examine the role of disinformation and misinformation on the public response to COVID-19 and the role that social media has in promoting the spread of false information.

Horsford, Lee, McAdams, Panetta, Cox Introduce Legislation to Mandate Congressional Authorization for Nuclear Testing ([link removed])
Reps. Steven Horsford (NV-04), Susie Lee (NV-03), Ben McAdams (UT-04), Jimmy Panetta (CA-20), and TJ Cox (CA-21) introduced the No Nuclear Testing Without Approval Act to prevent the President from administering future plans for nuclear testing without congressional authorization while ensuring the National Nuclear Security Administration can continue their duty to our national security.

Plaskett, Craig Introduce Legislation to Protect Aviation Workers ([link removed])
Reps. Stacey Plaskett (VI-AL) and Angie Craig ([link removed]) (MN-02) introduced the Air Carrier Worker Support Extension Act to extend the Payroll Support Program (PSP), established in the CARES Act, through March 31, 2021. The PSP, which expired on October 1, prohibited airline companies from conducting involuntary furloughs or reducing pay rates and benefits.

Allred, Rouda Introduce Bill to End Foreign Election Interference via American Shell Companies ([link removed])
Reps. Colin Allred (TX-32) and Harley Rouda (CA-48) introduced the Shell Company Abuse Act to make it a felony to use or create an American shell company to conceal illegal political spending by foreign nationals.

Bustos Introduces Legislation to Reduce Vehicle Emissions, Limit Harmful Aromatics and Increase Biofuels Demand ([link removed])
Rep. Cheri Bustos (IL-17) introduced the Next Generation Fuels Act to leverage greater fuel octane to reduce carbon emissions from transportation, improve air quality by reducing the use of harmful aromatics and increase demand for biofuels. The bill requires new high-octane fuel to utilize low-carbon sources to help decarbonize liquid fuels vehicle technologies advance.

Foster Introduces Legislation to Remove Financial Burdens from Students and Parents ([link removed])
Rep. Bill Foster (IL-11) introduced the Parents PLUS Loan Fairness and Responsibility Act to provide a rational fix for parents experiencing multiple financial burdens and allow students to take responsibility for the student debt that was incurred on their behalf.

Fletcher Introduces Bicameral Legislation to Stop Surprise Medical Billing for COVID-19 Tests ([link removed])
Rep. Lizzie Fletcher (TX-07) introduced the bicameral Stop COVID-19 Test Surprise Medical Bills Act to end surprise medical billing for COVID-19 tests and ensure anyone can get one without having to pay a cost-share.

Cox Introduces Resolution Honoring Filipino American History Month ([link removed])
Rep. TJ Cox (CA-21) introduced a House Resolution to designate October 2020 as Filipino American History Month. The resolution is intended to honor the rich history and culture of Filipino Americans and celebrate their significant contributions to the United States.

Horn Introduces Legislation to Increase Compensation for Educators During COVID-19 ([link removed])
Rep. Kendra Horn (OK-05) introduced the Educators Are Heroes Act to provide educators an additional 25 percent hazard pay for time they are required to spend in-person at a public school during the pandemic. Teachers, paraprofessionals, counselors, cafeteria staff, custodians and other school staff all qualify.

Malinowski Introduces Bipartisan Legislation to Create Independent Commission to Improve COVID-19 Response ([link removed])
Rep. Tom Malinowski (NJ-07) introduced bipartisan legislation to create an independent, non-partisan commission, closely modeled after the 9/11 Commission that investigated the September 11, 2001 terror attacks, to assess the nation’s preparedness and response to COVID-19 and provide recommendations to improve our country’s readiness for future epidemics and pandemics.

Brindisi Introduces Legislation to Combat Graphic Social Media Content and Prevent Future Online Abuse and Harassment ([link removed])
Rep. Anthony Brindisi (NY-22) introduced Bianca’s Law to increase transparency and accountability for major social media platforms and ensure they take action when violent content policies are violated. Rep. Brindisi joined the family of the late Bianca Devins, who was murdered last year, to announce the legislation.
NDC Member Action

Pappas Leads Bipartisan Call for PFAS Action in Water Infrastructure Bill ([link removed])
Rep. Chris Pappas (NH-01) led a bipartisan group of Members, including 14 New Dem Members, in sending a letter ([link removed]) to House and Senate Leadership urging them to address the impacts of industrial PFAS discharge in the final Water Resources Development Act.

Allred Joins NFL Total Access on National Voter Registration Day ([link removed])
Rep. Colin Allred (TX-32), a former NFL player, joined NFL Total Access to discuss National Voter Registration Day and encourage Americans to engage in democracy and cast their vote.

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Rep. Colin Allred (TX-32) Joins NFL Total Access on National Voter Registration Day

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