Donald Trump and Mike Pence are both in North Carolina today trying to prop up Dan Bishop at the last minute.

Dan McCready for Congress

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John -

Donald Trump and Mike Pence are both in North Carolina today trying to prop up my opponent at the last minute.

The nation is watching our race, and Dan Bishop is terrified of losing. Despite he and his allies spending over $8 million against me, the race is in a dead heat.

That’s why Trump is holding a rally with him tonight.

Before Trump takes the stage and throws more attacks at me, I want to make it clear: Donald Trump and my opponent are no match for our grassroots team.

That’s why we’re launching a final 24-hour fundraising drive to make sure we can compete with their attacks and outside spending. We need as many people as possible to chip in if we are going to hit our goal.

Will you make a $3 donation to kick off our final fundraising drive? Your contribution will go directly into turning out the voters that we need to win tomorrow. I would not ask if it were not so important.

John, I’m going to make you a promise, and those who know me know that I don’t make promises lightly.

If you pour your heart and soul into our race today and tomorrow, then we are not just going to win this race tomorrow. We are not just going to be the first Democrat since 1963 to represent this district.

We are going to send a shockwave across this land.

But the only way we’re going to do it is if we stick together and hit this goal. I’m counting on everyone on our grassroots team to play their part.

Make a $3 donation to our campaign right now before Donald Trump takes the stage. This race is going to come down to just a few hundred votes, so every single dollar will be decisive when the ballots are counted.

We’re almost there. Hang with me now, and we are gonna win this race!

Yours in this fight,



Paid for by McCready for Congress

Dan McCready is a former member of the United States Marines. Use of his military rank, job titles, and photographs in uniform does not imply endorsement by the Marines or the Department of Defense. This email was sent to [email protected]. Click here if you'd like to unsubscribe. We try to send only the most important information and opportunities to participate via email. To support Dan McCready with a contribution, click here.