New Zealand Taxpayers' Union Inc.

Dear Friend,

New Zealanders who read these newsletters will be familiar with the ridiculous ways that politicians waste taxpayer money.

But many voters in this year's election will be blissfully unaware of this Government's most absurd spending decisions.

Will you help us reach these voters?

This morning, the Herald on Sunday offered us a fantastic deal for a full page advert in tomorrow's edition.  For just $6,000 (that's about half the usual price) we can get this splashed full page:

Ad concept

The deadline for the paper is 4pm today.  Will you chip in now so we can say yes to getting it published?

If just sixty of our supporters chip in a hundred dollars each before the 4pm deadline, we can press go.

--> Yes, I'll chip in $100

--> Yes, I'll chip in $50

--> Yes, I'll chip in $20

While our ad barely scratches the surface of this Government's wasteful spending, sometimes it takes just one or two memorable examples to stick in voters' minds.


Thanks for helping get the word out.

Louis circle

Louis Houlbrooke
Campaigns Manager
New Zealand Taxpayers' Union

ps. Any extra money raised today will be used for more adverts like this we plan to run prior to the election. Click here to chip in.

New Zealand Taxpayers' Union Inc. · 117 Lambton Quay, Level 4, Wellington 6011, New Zealand
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