![]() Dear Patriot, Senator Lindsey Graham and his gun-grabbing cohorts from BOTH parties are flooding back into Washington, D.C. and the battle over gun control is on. That’s why Campaign for Liberty is launching an Internet ad blitz to send the message home LOUD and CLEAR that when it comes to our gun rights, the only “deal” is the words of the Second Amendment . . . shall not be infringed. But I need the help of patriots like you to make this work. So please dig deep and pitch in to help me flood the web with targeted ads DEMANDING Congress reverse course on any schemes to GUT your gun rights. If you’re a liberty-loving American like me, the horse trading that’s been going ever since weak-kneed “Swamp” politicians vowed to “do something” should scare you to your core. Before the details of the El Paso and Dayton shootings were even fully known, Lindsey Graham raced to the microphones to announce his “deal” with congressional Democrats like Senator Richard Blumenthal (CT). Of course, the heart of their “deal” would grant Big Government statists powers to seize law-abiding Americans’ firearms -- with ZERO DUE PROCESS. . . . . . and create a Nationwide Gun Registration -- aka Universal Background Checks -- giving Government Goons the names and firearms of every single gun owner in the country. And now after the Midland-Odessa shootings over the weekend, the anti-gun statists are going even further to get their way. In fact, they are even planning to bribe states with taxpayer-dollars to enact these BLATANTLY UNCONSTITUTIONAL “Red Flag” Gun Confiscation schemes. The good news is, if we can fully fund this “Defend the Second Amendment Web Blitz” our plan will build into the type of mass mobilization campaign that really makes weak-kneed politicians see the light, as we flood the Internet with banners demanding U.S. Senators IMMEDIATELY disavow their plans to “deal” away your gun rights and instead oppose all schemes to gut our Second Amendment freedoms. These banners will link to action pages that will drive countless petitions, emails, and phone calls to their offices demanding they protect our gun rights as the Founding Fathers intended. But to literally blanket our targeted districts, we have determined that Campaign for Liberty must raise a minimum of $145,629 by midnight tonight to fully implement Phase One of our targeted “Defend the Second Amendment Web Blitz.” And with the Senate returning today, I am going to need your help. Patriot, would you be willing to pitch in $19 or even $37? Please click here to make your donation now and help C4L reach its goal. The truth is, the moment the president and weak-kneed Republicans started making noise about “a deal” on these gun-grabbing schemes, they put EVERYTHING on the table. That’s why Democrats are now demanding Mandatory Gun Buybacks, Nationwide Gun Licensing (i.e. you don’t get one), and of course, re-imposing the Feinstein Gun Ban permanently. And with the president doubling down on so-called “Red Flag” Gun Confiscation Orders, establishment Republicans are expecting -- even demanding -- us to “fall in line.” Even politicians who habitually tell voters back home they “support the Second Amendment” seem to be tripping over one another to declare they’ve “got the solution” to “keep us safe.” But you and I know better. What they fail to understand is that caving to Democrats’ and the media elites’ demands on any of the anti-gun schemes they’ve been horse trading over will end in disaster. It’s the same misguided path they took after the 2018 Parkland, Florida murders. The fact is, they’re playing right into the anti-gun statists’ hands like they did then, when President Trump made Senator Dianne Feinstein downright giddy when he told Republicans to add parts of her so-called "Assault Weapons" Ban to Senators Pat Toomey and Joe Manchin’s Nationwide Gun Registration bill. Of course, that was a disaster for them in the 2018 mid-terms, but they don’t seem to have learned from it -- and they’re preparing to RAM even more monstrous gun control schemes down our throats that could include everything from bans on certain types of firearms and magazines to Nationwide Gun Registration and “Red Flag” Gun Confiscation. I’m afraid without your immediate action, you and I are all but certain to see our Second Amendment freedoms steamrolled by these blatantly UNCONSTITUTIONAL schemes. That’s why it’s absolutely vital Campaign for Liberty has your immediate support to help flood the Internet with our “Defend the Second Amendment Web Blitz,” demanding they BACK OFF their plans to gut our gun rights. Take action now >> https://secure.campaignforliberty.org/FIA-190830.php?sr=c12395974&amount=37 The truth is, the sick and senseless shootings in Texas and Ohio are exactly what all the anti-gunners and their pals in the national media had been waiting for. Sadly, they haven’t even discussed, pro-gun reforms that could actually prevent another El Paso or Dayton, such as repeal of so-called “Gun-Free” zones. You see, Patriot, all of these gun control proposals aren’t really about preventing another murder spree by some madman. It’s about control. The Big Government statists know Americans’ Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms is the ultimate road block to them imposing their tyrannical policies on you and me. So, the statists in BOTH parties are determined to not let the crisis go to waste. Take action now >> https://secure.campaignforliberty.org/FIA-190830.php?sr=c12395974&amount=37 You and I are facing an all-hands-on-deck fight right now, and I need every single patriot to dig deep to help halt the statists’ assault on our Second Amendment freedoms. The good news is, our “Defend the Second Amendment Web Blitz” along with the tens of thousands of petitions we’ve already gathered will go a long way to showing wavering politicians you and I are serious. I'm counting on you to help me make it 100% clear to ALL your elected officials -- there is no room for negotiation when it comes to our Second Amendment rights. These rights are at the very heart of the liberty and freedom that so many patriots fought and died for -- and they now hang by a thread. >>> So please dig deep and chip in with as generous a contribution as you can afford to help Campaign for Liberty generate the kind of mass mobilization campaign that shows Lindsey Graham and his pals in BOTH parties we mean business! For Liberty, ![]() Ron Paul Chairman P.S. With gun-grabbing Senators like Lindsey Graham and Joe Manchin returning to the D.C. Swamp hell bent on RAMMING through their so-called “deal,” the Gun Control fight is on. We can’t let them sell-out America’s law-abiding gun owners and place massive new restrictions on our Second Amendment rights. So please pitch in and make a generous contribution of $10, $20, or even more right away to help Campaign for Liberty flood the Internet with our “Defend the Second Amendment Web Blitz” and show the anti-gun statists we mean business! I can’t do it without your support Patriot, and I simply must raise $145,629 by midnight tonight to launch Phase One of our targeted “Defend the Second Amendment Web Blitz” to defend your gun rights. Take action now >> https://secure.campaignforliberty.org/FIA-190830.php?sr=c12395974&amount=37 $19 ~ 9,000 views on Drudge Report $37 ~ 11,000 views on Breitbart $61 ~ 19,000 views on The Daily Caller $82 ~ (best value) 42,000 views on Drudge Report $143 ~ 70,000 views on Fox News $237 ~ 95,000 on Breitbart |