
When I am at the third debate on Thursday, there are only going to be ten of us on stage: Amy Klobuchar, Pete Buttigieg, Bernie Sanders, Joe Biden, Elizabeth Warren, Kamala Harris, Andrew Yang, Beto O'Rourke, Julián Castro, and myself. The field is narrowing -- and it might shrink even more if the DNC decides to raise the thresholds for the future debates.

Each candidate needed 130,000 individual donors to qualify for the September and October debates. It’s entirely possible that the DNC doubles the threshold to 260,000 -- or even higher -- for future debates. If that happens, we need to be ready.

I wouldn't have qualified for the fall debate stage if not for the thousands of donors from across this country who stepped up when it mattered. Can I count on you to make your first donation now?

When the November debate rolls around, we’ll be getting awfully close to the Iowa caucus. That’ll be the critical time when many voters and caucus-goers in the early states will be finalizing their decisions about whom to support.

I don’t want to take any chances. I need to be on that stage.

Can we count on you to become a new donor right now? All it takes is just a few dollars -- whatever you're able to contribute -- to help us get to 260,000 donors.

I know we ask so much of this team, but we’re reaching a crossroads in this campaign. In these next few weeks, we’re either going to hit every goal in front of us, or we’re going to fall by the wayside.

The path we take depends on what we do right now.

Thanks for everything,


Paid for by Cory 2020

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