Western Values Project
A Voice for the Majority in the American West

Tell Congress: it’s time to get back to work


Today, Congress returns to D.C. after their August recess.

Now that our elected officials are back in DC, we thought we’d write up a handy to-do list. That way, Congress will know exactly what needs to get done in protecting America’s public lands and outdoor heritage.

Here’s hoping Congress is ready to roll up its sleeves and get busy, because it’s a long list!

The Congressional Public Lands To-Do List:

  • Stop Trump’s historic erosion of public land protections and special interest giveaways;
  • Fully and permanently fund the critical Land and Water Conservation Fund;
  • Hold William Pendley, Acting Director of the Interior Department’s Bureau of Land Management, accountable for his anti-public lands stance and conflicts of interest;
  • Fill the Interior Department’s numerous vacancies with qualified appointees;
  • Investigate the lack of transparency within the Interior Department and political appointees withholding of public documents; and
  • Hold Interior political appointees accountable and ensure the investigation into Interior Department Secretary David Bernhardt’s conflicts of interest proceeds unobstructed.

There is always more to do for our public lands and outdoor heritage. Once Congress has finished up with this to-do list, we’re certain we’ll have to draw up another, because protecting and preserving our public lands should always be a top priority for our elected representatives.

Will you sign our petition calling on Congress to start crossing items off their public lands to-do list?

-- The Western Values Project Team

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