Dear John,

You are a valued supporter and we couldn’t do what we do without you. By coming together with others who care, you help us fight on behalf of children growing in poverty. And that allows us to achieve some truly awe-inspiring things. 

I first came across Child Poverty Action Group when I was a student in the late 1960s. It was a few years after the organisation had been founded, with campaigns taking place and students and staff all getting involved. CPAG’s work spurred many of us to go on to work in areas where we could challenge poverty and raise awareness of the damage it does, especially to children.

Not long after, I started my first job working with mothers in very low paid jobs, many of them night cleaners in railway stations, desperately struggling to keep going. I got a very strong sense of just how much effort people put in to managing and making the best for their children. It was then I decided to join CPAG as a member, to lend my voice to the fight to end child poverty.

I’ve been a member for nearly 50 years now and a trustee for nine of those. Ten years ago, we really did begin to see changes – families were lifted out of poverty. Now, we’re living in a much harsher, unequal society and it is getting considerably worse again.

Leaving something in my will seems to me the best way I can support CPAG and its work which will be needed for many more years to come. And as it's Remember A Charity in Your Will Week, I wanted to share my story with you and all the supporters CPAG relies on.

If you would like more information, please visit or contact Alice on 020 7812 5222 or [email protected].

Thank you for your support.

Kind regards,

Gaynor Humphreys
Vice Chair and Trustee