This is voter suppression:

Yesterday, the Governor of Texas limited counties in the state to just one mail-in ballot drop box. That’s just one drop box for the City of Houston in Harris County, which spans nearly 2,000 square miles with over 4 million residents.
Texas Republicans are nervous. They know the state is up for grabs this November and Democrats have a chance to retake the Texas House for the first time in decades. We helped win back 12 seats in the chamber in 2018 and now we’re gearing up to finish the job.
Donate now to help us expand our work on the ground in Texas to overcome this last-minute voter suppression and secure a Democratic majority in the Texas House.
Texas Republicans will not stop at nothing to maintain power. With a trifecta in the Texas state government, they have used every tool at their disposal to distort our democracy through voter suppression and gerrymandering. The only way to put a check on this egregious and undemocratic abuse of power, is to win the Texas House.
Already 1.5 million Texans have registered to vote since the last presidential election. Now is our moment to recapture one of the most powerful points of leverage for the future of our democracy—the Texas House—before it redraws a projected 39 congressional districts for the next decade.
Every dollar can make a difference when it comes to the small sliver of key state legislative races we need to retake the Texas House. Chip in to help us reclaim our democracy.
With energy and resources, Democrats can win in Texas this fall.
Let’s get it done,
David Cohen
Forward Majority