[[link removed]]Dear John,
Liberty has held Governments of all colours and persuasions to account since we
were founded in 1934. Today, we uphold that tradition as we seek a judicial
review to ensure the Prime Minister obeys the law.
Over the past week, there’s been confusion and doubt about whether Prime
Minister Boris Johnson will comply with the European Union (Withdrawal) (No. 2)
Act 2019. He has indicated that he may flout the law to avoid seeking an
extension to the Brexit deadline.
We’re living in extraordinary political times. We as a nation are beyond doing
‘business as usual’. But just because we’re beyond the norm doesn’t mean the
Government is now beyond the law.
Liberty is neutral on the issue of Brexit. Our case is nothing to do with
whether the UK leaves the European Union or how we leave. Our issue is about
upholding legal obligations because if a Prime Minster defies the law we are in
dangerous waters.
To allow a Government, in whatever circumstance, to punch through parliamentary
process and its laws because it’s not working in the way they would like, should
concern everyone in Britain.
Brexit has left us, as a nation, in a blur of confusion. Separating what is
really happening from the mess of party politics is all but impossible. This is
why Liberty is stepping up to defend the rule of law by asking the courts to
uphold our constitutional principles.
This case must be brought by a wholly independent body such as Liberty, because
this is not a party political or Brexit issue – it is far, far more fundamental
than that. Our role has always been to robustly challenge unjust laws, policies
and practices whoever is responsible for them.
Our case is simple: the UK government, whoever it is made up of and whatever it
is seeking to do, must always act lawfully. If the Prime Minister fails to do
so, then we will see him in court.
Best wishes,
Martha Spurrier
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