It’s time to defund militarism & repair our society. Check out our graphics to see how militarized policing, immigration, & the climate crisis are all connected!



We’re living in a time when so many crises are converging at once that it can be tough to stay hopeful about the future. That’s why it’s so important to help each other envision the kind of society we can make possible together. 

We’re proud to partner with our friends at The Leap to promote the genuinely inspiring new short film “Message from the Future II: The Years of Repair,” that dares to dream of a future in which 2020 is a historic turning point, where the lessons of the COVID-19 pandemic and global uprisings against racism drive us to build back a better society in which no one is sacrificed, and everyone is essential.

Watch this beautiful video, and share from Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram in your networks!

Through powerful and compelling imagery, 'The Years of Repair' shows how we can transform moments of urgent global crisis — from the pandemic to our warming climate to systemic injustice— into catalysts for demanding and achieving a restorative, progressive vision for the future. Charting a path from despair to repair, this film plants the seeds for growing a future-forward movement that can become an unstoppable force for good.

This week, the Sunrise Movement also joins us for week 4 of our social-media collaboration with United We Dream, to illustrate how U.S. interventionist foreign policy puts pressure on immigration patterns—while the climate crisis turns up a deadly heat on us all.

Militarization feeds into much more of the world around us than we realize, from police on the streets, to immigration policy, to the climate crisis crashing down around us. In order to stop this growing state violence and begin repairing its harm, we need to understand how it works.

Check out our fourth set of #DefundMilitarism graphics, and share these resources in your networks on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook!

Decades of U.S. interventionism has destabilized economies and societies—contributing to the conditions of poverty, instability, and violence that drive migration towards the United States. 

As we outline in our No Warming, No War report, the impacts of climate change not only amplify the crises of poverty and violence already impacting regions of the world, but push people to migrate from their homes to more stable environments. More than 140 million people are expected to be displaced by climate change in the coming decades. 

And yet, the United States’ militarized border enforcement treats migrants as threats. Both the Department of Homeland Security and the Pentagon have cited climate change as a justification for increased border militarization and the deportation of immigrants. Meanwhile land and water defenders who stand up to corporate polluters driving the climate crisis are often met with a militarized response to suppress resistance and protect fossil fuel companies’ bottom line. 

Violent militarism keeps an extractive economy that exploits people and the planet in operation. When we divest from militarism, we can begin repairing all the harm it has caused as we build the kind of healthy, life-giving economy we need to care for each other and our planet. 

Visit for more graphics and resources, and to learn more about the Sunrise Movement, which is mobilizing young people to stop climate change, win racial justice, and create millions of good jobs through a Green New Deal. 

And mark your calendars to join us live on Facebook next Wednesday October 7th at 7pm ET in a conversation that brings our entire “Defund Militarism” series together. 

Together, we can repair the world.

In solidarity,

Lorah, Ashik, Lindsay, and the NPP team at IPS

We’re teaming up with United We Dream to draw out how militarized policing, immigration, & the climate crisis are connected.

Share our infographics on TwitterFacebook, or Instagram!

Defund Militarism, Invest in Communities
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National Priorities Project
351 Pleasant Street, Suite B #442, Northampton, MA 01060, United States
[email protected] |
NPP is a project of the Institute for Policy Studies.
