John -- did you see this? Fearless Frontliner Katie Porter whipped out her white board and schooled a Big Pharma CEO -- exposing how he raised the price of a cancer treatment just so he could get a $500,000 bonus.
Katie Porter is among the 36 Frontline Democrats facing the toughest re-election battles in the country. Chip in to our Frontline Fund to DIRECTLY support our Frontliners and keep them fighting for US in Congress!
Katie Porter has been on a non-stop anti-corruption crusade since her election in 2018.
Secured free coronavirus testing for all Americans from Trump’s CDC director
Exposed Trump’s crooked USPS Postmaster didn’t know the price of a postcard
Fought for working families against Big Pharma price gouging
This sums it up:
We can’t afford to lose Congresswoman Katie Porter or any of our Frontliners. Will you chip in to re-elect the Democrats risking it all to root out corruption?
-- Hold the House