Help protect Arctic wildlife from Big Oil by supporting H.R. 1146, a key bill to restore coastal plain protections!

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Dear Defender of Wildlife,

The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge – and all the Arctic wildlife that call the refuge home – need your help right now!

We've been waiting a long time for H.R. 1146, a bill to restore protections to the coastal plain of the Arctic Refuge, to make its way to a House vote. Now that chance is finally here, and your representative needs to hear from you!

Tell your representative to make the right choice: Vote YES on H.R. 1146 and protect the Arctic Refuge!

H.R. 1146 would restore protections for the coastal plain of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge by repealing the controversial and tacked-on provision in the 2017 Tax Cuts & Jobs Act that mandated an oil and gas program on the Refuge's coastal plain. Without this legislation, the coastal plain is at grave risk of becoming a sprawling industrial complex under the Trump administration's oil development plan.

And the House of Representatives is expected to vote on this key bill this week.

We can't let Big Oil sway this vote in their favor. Help protect Arctic wildlife right now and tell your representative to vote YES on H.R. 1146!

This is a pivotal point in the decades-long fight to save the Arctic Refuge once and for all. Passing this bill is the only way to stop the Trump administration's all-out effort to ensure massive oil development in the Arctic Refuge's biological heart and protect critical denning habitat vital to the survival of the world's most imperiled polar bears.


Defender of Wildlife, we may not get another chance like this. It only takes a moment to voice your support for the polar bears, grizzly bears, wolves, Arctic foxes and other wildlife that call the Arctic Refuge home.

But if we can't pass these protections, oil and gas development in the biological heart of the refuge will advance. And the species that depend on the refuge will pay the price.

Take a moment and make sure your representative puts wildlife before oil and gas interests!

Thank you in advance for taking a stand for wildlife.


Robert Dewey

Robert Dewey
Vice President, Government Relations & External Affairs
Defenders of Wildlife