From ADL International Affairs <[email protected]>
Subject Israel Inks Historic Accords with UAE and Bahrain
Date October 2, 2020 4:14 PM
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September 2020


Top 3 ADL Actions Around the Globe



UAE Amb Gives ADL Insider Perspective on Israel Deal

As part of ADL&rsquo;s Fighting Hate from Home webinar series, CEO Jonathan Greenblatt
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interviewed Yousef Al Otaiba, the UAE Ambassador to the United States, who was one of the central architects of the groundbreaking Abraham Accords.

During their conversation, Ambassador Al Otaiba explained the steps that led to his authoring an unprecedented op-ed in an Israeli newspaper, addressing the Israeli people directly about annexation, normalization and other topics as a way to advance reconciliation between Arabs and Israelis. He also discussed how &ldquo;extremism is extremism,&rdquo; and how peace agreements like this can hopefully set an example for the next generation to reject the hate and violence that decades of hostilities in the Middle East have engendered.



Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Emirati Foreign Minister Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan, and Bahraini Foreign Minister Abdullatif bin Rashid Al Zayani


Applauding Brave Steps Towards Middle East Peace

ADL celebrated the historic signing of agreements between Israel and the United Arab Emirates and the Kingdom of Bahrain on the White House Lawn, and expressed hope the agreements will usher in a new era of open and normalized relations between the Jewish state and these nations.

CEO Jonathan Greenblatt said in a
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statement : &ldquo;In the midst of health, economic, environmental and political crises, we pause and celebrate the enormity of this historic moment of normalization between Israel and the UAE and Bahrain. The deeply entrenched acrimony of the Israeli-Arab conflict made the thought of leaders of these three nations, standing publicly, alongside each other on the White House lawn, inconceivable and yet here we are.&rdquo;

Jonathan also condemned the firing of rockets from Gaza into Israel during the signing ceremony, and shared some additional thoughts on the significance of agreements in a
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tweet thread .



Meetings with World Leaders During Annual UNGA

As part of the annual United Nations General Assembly debate, ADL leadership and staff held several virtual meetings with world leaders and diplomats across the globe, including representatives from Colombia, Hungary, Italy, Greece, Spain and the UAE.

Among the issues raised were global antisemitism, the internationalization of far-right extremism, Iran&rsquo;s continued belligerence and support for terrorism, Israel&rsquo;s treatment at the UN and the recently signed agreements between Israel and the UAE and Bahrain.



Israel & Broader Middle East

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welcomed an Israeli court&rsquo;s sentencing of a Jewish terrorist for the 2015 horrific murder of an 18-month old Palestinian baby and his parents in Duma.

The anniversary of the 1972 Munich Olympics massacre, where 11 Israeli athletes and coaches were killed by Palestinians terrorists, was
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marked .

ADL Israel Director Carole Nuriel conducted a webinar on "Online Antisemitism" for students at the Weiss-Livnat International Program on Holocaust Studies.

The Jewish Council of the Emirates
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announced a cooperative agreement with ADL which will explore how ADL&rsquo;s educational resources, best practices for houses of worship, and research and analysis can help the Jewish community in the UAE monitor extremism in the region and help dismantle harmful stereotypes about Jews, Israelis, Americans, Muslims, and Christians.

In an
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op-ed , Deputy National Director Ken Jacobson wrote about the significance of the people-to-people relationships in the Israel-UAE deal: &ldquo;Israeli businessmen have been traveling to the UAE to discuss investment. Intelligence officials have been sharing information particularly regarding the common threat they see from an expansionist Iran. Even though the actual announcement came as a surprise to observers because many thought the UAE would never go so far until there was at least significant progress on the Palestinian issue, it was widely known that some quiet elements of normalization were already happening.&rdquo;


Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan


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calling out Turkish President Erdogan&rsquo;s claim that Israel&rsquo;s "dirty hand" is defiling Jerusalem's holy sites, ADL contrasted the Turkish's leader&rsquo;s ongoing animosity towards Israel with the pro-peace messages from the leaders of the UAE and Bahrain.

In an
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op-ed on antisemitism in Qatari textbooks, Washington Director for International Affairs David Weinberg and CEO of the Institute for Monitoring Peace and Cultural Tolerance in School Education (IMPACT-se) Marcus Sheff write: &ldquo;It is probably too much to expect that Qatar will embrace the Jewish state in the way that its neighbors the UAE and Bahrain have done. But Qatar's government has a duty to ensure that all bigoted materials are removed immediately from its government-published textbooks.&rdquo;

ADL&rsquo;s Task Force on Middle East Minorities held a
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webinar on the plight of vulnerable minorities in the Middle East. Task Force experts spoke about political developments in Syria, Iraq, Egypt, Iran, Turkey, the UAE and Israel, including how these changes are affecting vulnerable groups in the region.


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welcomed the Austrian government&rsquo;s decision to grant citizenship to descendants of Austrian Jews who fled the Nazis.


2012 Bombing of an Israeli tourist bus in Bulgaria


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commented on the sentencing in absentia of two-Hezbollah linked individuals for the bombing of an Israeli tourist bus in Bulgaria.

A commitment by UK Labour Party leader Keir Starmer to root out antisemitism from the Labour Party was
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welcomed .

Latin America

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welcomed an announcement by the Honduran President of his country&rsquo;s intention to move their Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem.

Liat Altman, Director of Latin American Affairs,
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offered special greetings to the Mexican Consulate in Miami in honor of Mexican Independence Day.

New Spanish Resources: In response to the spread of extremist views in Spanish language outlets across the US and Latin America, ADL has translated into Spanish our backgrounders on
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Proud Boys ,
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QAnon ,
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George Soros ,
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Antifa and
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New World Order .

Global and Communal


One of three Holocaust monuments vandalized in Russia and Ukraine


ADL condemned antisemitic attacks and trends globally, including: conspiracies of Jewish control in
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Argentina ; multiple antisemitic attacks during Rosh Hashana in
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Canada ; antisemitic comments by a senior security official from
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Dubai ; the publication of a book review of Hitler&rsquo;s Mein Kampf in a newspaper from
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Iran ; an antisemitic tweet by the Supreme Leader of
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Iran ; antisemitic comments by a mayoral candidate from
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London ; antisemitic chants at a rally in Malmo,
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Sweden ; an assault on a Jewish male in Uman,
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Ukraine ; the vandalism of three Holocaust monuments in
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Russia and Ukraine .

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joined 150 organizations and individuals to pressure US lawmakers to pass the Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act which would prevent US suppliers from importing goods produced from forced Uyghur labor. ADL then
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welcomed when the bill successfully passed the House this month.

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commended the US Treasury Department for sanctioning two ex-Lebanese ministers for providing material support to the terror group Hezbollah.

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applauded Zoom, Facebook, and YouTube&rsquo;s decisions to disallow and remove a panel sponsored by San Francisco State University featuring Palestinian terrorist, Leila Khaled.


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