Media Smears The Proud Boys As ‘White Supremacists’—And Republicans Believe Them!

The media is in an apoplectic frenzy over President Trump’s refusal to condemn the Proud Boys. Journalists call the pro-Trump group violent white supremacists who pose a far greater danger than Antifa. And the worst part of all: Republican politicians agree with the lying press.

The media image of the Proud Boys is not based in reality...

So Who Are The Proud Boys?

"America’s Last Line Of Defense Against The Left’s Fascistic Antifa Storm Troopers" -- Ann Coulter

'You know why the media and Democrats hate the Proud Boys? Because they are America’s last line of defense against the left’s fascistic antifa storm troopers. Often, they are the only ones protecting us when the police are outnumbered or have been ordered to stand down by Democratic mayors and police chiefs."

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