COVID-19 reporting challenges. Tech series starts up soon! Trending on CONNECT. Weekly reads.
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** What We Don’t Know About COVID-19 Funding, and How You Can Help
Transparency and information sharing matter, especially in a crisis. Candid is dedicated to sharing real-time data about where funding is going, but urgently needs more specificity in funder reporting.
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On October 13, join us for "Listening to Stakeholders: Focus on Nonprofit User Experience" to begin a four-part learning journey about how we can leverage technology to drive equitable grantmaking practices and build a social justice movement.
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Join this week’s trending conversations:.
* Carbon offset expenses ([link removed])
* Application and reporting character/word counts ([link removed])
* Need questions for COVID grant applications ([link removed])
* Board members and self-dealing ([link removed])
Help a colleague out by sharing your advice:
* Tracking racial equity grants ([link removed])
* System for contact management ([link removed])
* C Corporations and nonprofits ([link removed])
Not yet in CONNECT? Join now. ([link removed])
** Upcoming
October 7
The Evolving Role of Grants Management (PEAK Mideast) ([link removed])
October 13
COVID-19: 6 months later… Where are we now? (PEAK Minnesota) ([link removed])
October 13
Listening to Stakeholders: Focus on Nonprofit User Experience ([link removed])
October 14
Virtual Coffee Hour (PEAK Southwest) ([link removed])
October 20
Virtual Coffee Hour: Coping with the New Normal (PEAK Mideast) ([link removed])
October 21
Using Data to Assess Your Grantmaking Practice (PEAK Southeast) ([link removed])
October 27
The Board Member Journey (PEAK Southern California) ([link removed])
ALL EVENTS > ([link removed])
** Weekly Reads
“Transparency and information sharing matter, especially in a crisis. Having better information means organizations don’t have to make important decisions about where their resources are needed most in a vacuum, and that the sum of their efforts can add up to more than the parts. [...] As a funder, the time you take to share information about your work makes a difference. Learn more about how you can contribute to the global database of philanthropy for COVID-19.” [more] ([link removed])
– Grace Sato, Candid
"[P]articipatory funding models are pioneers in demonstrating new paths forward towards rebalancing the long standing power structures that have favored the few over the many. By reimagining how grants and investments can be directed by and for communities, they are demonstrating how capital can become more democratically oriented and can enable the transformation of power structures into more equitable and just systems." [more] ([link removed])
– Andrea McGrath, Saumya Shruti, and Shaily Acharya, Beeck Center for Innovation + Impact at Georgetown
"Philanthropy can bring its whole self to work with an impact investing mindset that expands horizons beyond grantmaking alone. Imagine what more foundations could achieve – from community development, to racial equity, to climate change mitigation – by supplying loans, loan guarantees, and equity investments for social good." [more] ([link removed])
– Beyond the Grant: Foundations as Impact Investors, The Bridgespan Group
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