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Senate Bill Ensures Girls Sports Remains Girls-Only Sports
October 2, 2020
Eagle Forum has long been concerned with the rise of regulations and laws compromising the privacy and rights of both young women and girls. Many institutions, like those in higher education, and even some organizations, like the Olympic games, are increasingly bowing to the progressive left’s demands that sexual orientation and gender identity rulemaking be implemented into their existing structures. However, we know that these policies disproportionally harm women and children.
As we said in an alert this past July, we are grateful that in 2017 the Trump administration reversed Obama-era regulations allowing transgender students access to restrooms and locker rooms not matching their biological sex through Title IX. However, there has been a growing need to issue further guidance protecting girls-only sports from males identifying as females. This undermines Title IX, which also mandates that programs receiving federal aid provide equitable sports for both males and females when biological males are able to compete in female-only sports. Biological males are stronger and faster than females. It’s no longer a fair playing field for the females.
This past summer, Eagle Forum joined a coalition letter thanking the Department of Education for its commitment to protecting the integrity of girls’ sports and the original intent of Title IX.  Our letter also acknowledged the extreme political pressure to unravel Title IX and called on the Administration to lead the way to preserve Title IX for generations to come. We are thankful for the Administration’s response to preserve gender distinctions in sports based on biology. You can read the letter here. 
Even with this renewed commitment to protect our daughters and sons, it is vital that we have laws ensuring this regulation isn’t overturned by any future presidential administrations.
Recently, Senators Loeffler (R-GA), Lee (R-UT), Blackburn (R-TN), Lankford (R-OK), and Cotton (R-AR) introduced the Protection of Women and Girls in Sports Act. If enacted this legislation would make it a violation of Title IX for a school that receives federal education funds to permit a biological male to participate in a sports program designated for women and girls. If a violation is found, the school would be in danger of losing its federal funding.
Eagle Forum is grateful to these Senators for introducing this legislation. Please join us in asking your Senators to cosponsor the legislation.

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