This is the difference


I never thought my opponent would exploit the deep divisions in our country, cynically attacking me for being too conservative to Democrats, while at the same time attacking me for being too liberal to Republicans.

I guess that’s politics.

But, like a newly-formed group of residents from Todd Gloria’s former council district, we’re ready to bring people together. We know that our ideas get better when we listen to each other.

WATCH: Barbara Protecting Neighborhoods

“Many of us supported Todd Gloria early in his career. We held fund-raisers for him and put out his yard signs. We thought he showed great promise, and back then, he did…

Then higher office beckoned, and special interests came calling.

Many years and many disappointments later, we can’t help feeling we were sold out. Community leaders across this district can cite too many examples of broken pledges and jettisoned agreements.

We began to feel that we could never trust another candidate for city office. Then Barbara Bry came to visit.”

READ: Why D3 Supports Bry

That’s why I’ve been talking to residents from every neighborhood. I listen to people from all perspectives. And, despite the onslaught of misleading ads trying to divide us, WE WILL WIN!

Can You Contribute?


Barbara Bry

Businesswoman. Leader. Empowerer.

2020 Mayoral Candidate |

(619) 452-0522

Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | YouTube

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I'm on Instagram as @bry4sd. Install the app to follow my photos and videos.

Our mailing address is:
3295 Meade Ave Ste 212 San Diego, CA 92116-4557


Ad Paid for by Barbara Bry for San Diego Mayor 2020, ID #1414774