Off campus faculty, staff and students are NOT required to get the vaccine and a religious exemption will be offered to all who are required to get the vaccine.

Another win!
Pressure on UC President and Board of Regents results in
updated Flu Vaccine Requirement Executive order!
- Faculty, Staff and Students NOT pysically on campus are NOT required to get the flu vaccine.
- Faculty, Staff and Students physically living, learning, or working on campus can request religious or disability accommodation. (see Religious Exemption follow up email for more details)
The pressure came both internally, from faculty, staff, students and labor unions and externally from organizations like A Voice for Choice Advocacy, Physicians for Informed Consent, California Health Coalition Advocacy who wrote letters, garnered petition signatures and/or gave public comment at the Board of Regents meetings, and like Children’s Health Defense who filed a lawsuit, that will be heard October 14th.
Specific Actions taken by A Voice for Choice Advocacy:
- Sent letter to President and Board of Regents requesting they follow the Precautionary Principle, but making the flu vaccine a recommendation, rather than a mandate, allowing a religious or personal/conscious belief exemption and change the medical exemption to be at the discretion of the physician.
- Sent petition with over 2,500 signatures to the President and Board of Regents today, requesting the same.
- Christina gave public comment at the Board of Regents meeting on Wednesday, September 16th, requesting the same.
- Consumer Evaluations & Insights (Christina’s market research company), created and sent out a survey to faculty, staff and students, which caused such havoc amongst the UC leadership that they sent a cease and desist letter the survey needed to be shut down due to trademark infringement of using the words “UC” and “University of California.” Those were removed and the survey kept collecting responses. The results will be reported next week. (Students are still needed to complete it so if you know any, please respond to this email and we can send you the link).
- Created two documents to assist with advocating against flu vaccine mandates:
- The Flu Vaccine and its Unknown Impact on the COVID Pandemic: The Precautionary Principle must be applied:
- Federal and CA state Employment Law - Vaccine Mandate:
Look out for a second email detailing the Religious Exemption accomodation and how you can sucessfully apply for one.
Together we can make change happen.
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Christina Hildebrand
A Voice for Choice Advocacy, Inc.
[email protected]
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A Voice for Choice Advocacy
530 Showers Drive, #7404
Mountain View, CA 94040
United States