
Every day, it seems, we are presented with more and more reasons why it is imperative that we get out the vote. As we are dazed and gutted by gun violence, COVID, police brutality, climate disasters, and more, it feels like our country–and by extension, our world–is teetering on the brink; so many people in power are doing their utmost to make the rest of us, and especially those who are already marginalized, feel powerless.

When people are convinced that their vote doesn’t matter or won't be counted or is Impossible to cast, every single one of us loses. When people are intimidated at the polls by armed poll-watchers whether those watchers are self-deputized citizens or members of the National Guard, every single one of us loses. And when the threat of violence by gun-toting extremists looms over our entire electoral process, every single one of us loses.

Not only must we exercise our right to vote, but we must clear the way for others to do the same. We must work between now and the election to remove barriers, create access, and encourage everyone capable of voting to do so. So please vote, and find a way to help safeguard someone else’s vote, too. We can’t afford to lose.


Clai Lasher-Sommers

Executive Director

States United to Prevent Gun Violence


Concert Across America to End Gun Violence, Wed. October 7th

Join States United to Prevent Gun Violence for the 5th Annual Concert Across America, Wednesday, October 7th, 7:30 pm! This star-studded virtual event will feature performances by Jackson Browne, Bonnie Raitt, Wynton Marsalis, Melissa Etheridge, John Fogerty, and many other artists who are all lending their voices to the gun violence prevention movement. The event will also feature an online celebrity auction, with a portion of the proceeds going to benefit States United. Items include online meet-and-greets with brilliant actors Jason Alexander (Seinfeld) and Steve Buscemi (Boardwalk Empire, The Sopranos, Fargo). Bidders will also have a chance to win custom Nikes, a one-on-one training session with Jillian Michaels, and more.

The concert will be live-streamed on Facebook, 7:30-9:00 pm, October 7th.

Get bidding in today by visiting the celebrity auction  or make a tax-deductible donation

States United is a proud sponsor of this event. The Concert Across America is

presented by The Mic NYC.



In the midst of a global pandemic, and despite public outcry, Ohio lawmakers are trying to pass a deadly Stand Your Ground law. It would have deadly consequences for the state of Ohio, which is still reeling from the mass shooting in Dayton last year. The name “Stand Your Ground” itself begs the question:


When we look at the murders of Ahmaud Arbery or Trayvon Martin, the answer is clear: These laws protect white vigilantism and embolden reckless gun owners to shoot first, ask questions later, and claim self-defense to avoid culpability for murder. 

Stand Your Ground laws allow people to shoot to kill in public if they feel “afraid,” without even considering de-escalating the situation or walking away. Everyone has the right to stay alive when walking down the street or jogging in their neighborhood. Stand Your Ground laws move us in the opposite direction - and we refuse to accept that.


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