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'By partnering with—and investing in—CDFIs, the public bank would increase their capacity to expand to even more communities and provide funding to worker-owned businesses and MWBEs that have been hardest hit by the pandemic.'

Linda Levy of the Lower East Side People’s Federal Credit Union, one of the oldest federal credit unions in the city. 

 News of the Week

Council Bills Could Pave the Way for a Public Bank in NYC
The measures would require broader disclosure of where the city stashes its money now.

No ‘Fraud’ in Maloney’s Primary Race, But Concerns About Trump’s Postal Service
There was—and continues to be—concern that delays by election boards and postal service failures could lead to mail-in ballots being omitted from the final tally.

How School Reopening Looks From the Principal’s Office
The head of the union that recently voted ‘no confidence’ in Mayor de Blasio’s leadership talks about how the resumption of in-person school is going, and Manhattan BP Gale Brewer discusses what it will take for her borough to mount a comeback.

After House Passes Anti-Hate Measure, Rep. Meng Receives Hate Messages
Congresswoman Grace Meng said the rising racism and hate against Chinese is triggered and encouraged by inappropriate comments from President Trump.

COVID-19 Hit Especially Harsh for LGBTQ Latinos
LGBTQ Latino people are suffering a disproportionate economic impact because, as in all crises, the most marginalized people are often the ones who are most affected.

Street Merchants Demand First Vendor License Increase in Decades
Only 4,000 street vending permits and 5,000 street food licenses have been issued in the city since 1983.

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 Mapping The Future  Voices of New York  Una Ciudad sin Limites 

Una Ciudad sin Límites

LGBTQ Latinx sin empleo y acosados para desalojar
El porqué las personas LGBTQ Latinx están sufriendo un impacto económico desproporcionado se debe a que, como en todas las crisis, los más marginados suelen ser los más afectados.

Dos caras nuevas latinas que esperan ganar asiento en la asamblea del estado de Nueva York
Jessica González-Rojas, Marcela Mitaynes, Amanda Septimo y Jonathan Rivera son parte de una nueva ola de activismo político latino en el estado de Nueva York.

Democracy is in the Details
The 2020 elections are easy to paint in broad strokes.
But what happens afterward will be about the fine print.

In a time of health emergency, fiscal crisis and political tension, City Limits' in-depth, policy-focused reporting isn't just worth reading. It's worth supporting so others can read it, too.

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City Views

Opinions on Policy and Politics

Opinion: NYS Medicaid Program Could Close the COVID-19 Childcare Gap
‘During the pandemic, people who need the assistance of caregivers for either their infirm parents or young children find their risk of COVID-19 increased in significant ways.’

Opinion: How to Make ‘Open Streets’ Permanent and Equitable
‘Permanent Open Streets in New York City will improve our quality of life, while setting a world-class example. But our approach needs to start with justice.’

Opinion: If Black Lives Matter, We Need to Address New York’s Prison Crisis
‘The governor and state lawmakers continue to ignore calls to end racist violence that happens every day on their watch, out of sight from public view, in their state prisons.’

Opinion: Stop Echoing Industry City’s Bogus Math on Jobs
Industry City’s ‘Plan for 20,000 Jobs’ included jobs that already exist, jobs that it expected tenant companies to generate, and jobs that murky projections said would be spurred off site.

Opinion: Disinvestment Deepens the Impact of COVID-19 and Racism in the Bronx
‘The pandemic has spared no one—but in The Bronx the virus found a host community that has long been left to fend for itself without the resources to do much about it.’

Opinion: Restaurants and Grocers Can Ease NYC’s Hunger Crisis
‘New York City need not look far to increase food resources for those in need: it should incentivize grocers and restaurants to donate excess prepared food that would otherwise go to waste.’

Opinion: Post-COVID NYC Needs Bike Lanes and Electric Microbility
‘We can use this moment to position ourselves in ways that best serve New Yorkers—those who have stayed, those who will return, and the newcomers who will power New York’s next cycle of growth.’


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