October 2, 2020
Latest columns

October 1, 2020
RENEWAMERICA STAFF ? RenewAmerica has partnered with multi-national pro-life organization Real Estate for Life to help sustain the work of RenewAmerica. Real Estate for Life is a faith-based real estate network that funds "gospel of life groups worldwide."... (more)

October 1, 2020
Dinesh D'Souza's most important film yet
DINESH D'SOUZA ? Dinesh D'Souza's new documentary, Trump Card, leads the charge against the new face of Socialism! The Left is fighting harder than ever to destroy the Land of the Free. This film is a must-watch for every freedom-loving American. See the trailer.... (more)

October 1, 2020
CLIFF KINCAID ? In a Wall Street Journal story about Joe Biden's alleged Catholicism, one can see a photograph of Biden greeting Pope Francis, as his controversial son Hunter, who was discharged from the Navy after he failed a drug test, is in the background. The headline highlighted "Biden's Catholicism," when it should have referred to Biden's pseudo Catholicism. Biden is pro-abortion and pro-homosexual marriage, in contradiction to church teaching.... (more)

October 1, 2020
BRYAN FISCHER ? Donald Trump's nominee to the Supreme Court, Amy Coney Barrett, currently serves on the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals. In her confirmation hearing to that court in 2017, she went through a grueling inquisition from Sen. Diane Feinstein, who said Barrett's set of Christian convictions "lives loudly in you." She said it like it was a bad thing, at the same time exposing her own ignorance of the centrality of religious liberty to the Constitution and to America.... (more)

October 1, 2020
JERRY NEWCOMBE ? Should being an active Christian bar you from public service? Yes, say many pundits today. It would seem that the left wants to impose a religious test to bar anyone who truly believes in Jesus from serving in government. The death of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg left a vacancy on the Supreme Court. In the days following her death, all of the candidates on President Trump's short list to replace her were dedicated Christians, and the left once again bared their anti-Christian bigotry.... (more)

October 1, 2020
NEWSMAX ? Newsmax's Greg Kelly looks at Chris Wallace's inept moderation of Tuesday's Presidential Debate, moderation that repeatedly favored Joe Biden and handicapped President Trump, who was forced to take an aggressive role to balance out the arrangement.... (more)

October 1, 2020
THEBL.COM ? A Democrat, who is friendly towards the president, announced she supports the incumbent's bid for a second term in office. State Rep. Bernadine Kennedy Kent (D-Ohio) openly supports giving President Donald Trump another four years in the Oval Office.... (more)

October 1, 2020
WASHINGTON TIMES ? Democratic presidential nominee Joseph R. Biden flatly denied at Tuesday night's debate that his lawyer son took huge sums of money from corrupt oligarchs and Chinese communists during his vice presidency, but Treasury Department reports show that Hunter Biden did receive the money. President Trump chose to make an issue of Hunter Biden's cash haul from Russia, Ukraine and China with the implication that unsavory figures were trying to buy Vice President Biden and the Obama administration.... (more)

October 1, 2020
NEWSMAX ? White House trade adviser Peter Navarro Wednesday blamed Fox News anchor and debate moderator Chris Wallace for President Donald Trump's "stand back and stand by" comment about the Proud Boys, saying the veteran newsman acted as a "cutman" for Joe Biden.... (more)

September 30, 2020
WESTERN JOURNAL ? The left has artfully manipulated language to make any opposition to their radical agenda seem extreme and racist. For instance, a Marxist revolutionary group uses the phrase "Black Lives Matter" as its moniker and mantra to make it all but impossible for average folks to publicly voice opposition to the group, lest they lose their livelihood and good name to cancel culture (or at the very least, get unfriended by their old college roommates on social media).... (more)

September 30, 2020
MSN ? The Trump campaign and the Republican National Committee declared President Trump the winner of the first presidential debate against Joe Biden Tuesday night, slamming the former vice president as "too weak" and touting Trump as a "strong president on top of his game."... (more)

September 30, 2020
Language advisory
DAILY WIRE ? Fox News host Chris Wallace, a registered Democrat, faced intense backlash on Tuesday night for what was widely deemed as bias in the debate in the favor of Democrat Joe Biden and against Republican President Donald Trump.... (more)

September 29, 2020
JOHN FUND ? A"ballot broker" boasts about keeping hundreds of absentee ballots in his car trunk. He brags about them being filled in by people other than the voters. Often, money changes hands. Witnesses tie the rampant fraud to the campaign chairman of a prominent member of the radical "squad" in the U.S. House. Loose election laws allow people to come from out of state, vote, and then leave again.... (more)

September 29, 2020
CLIFF KINCAID ? CNBC has been a good source for stock market updates and "Shark Tank" programs about new products. Its daytime schedule is best known for the antics of Jim Cramer, a booster of pot stocks who also provides analysis of financial markets. On Wednesday, however, former Fox News gay anchor Shepard Smith begins hosting his own Trump-bashing program on CNBC. This marks a definite turn to the left for the business channel.... (more)

September 29, 2020
BARBARA KRALIS ? We live today in a most difficult time, perhaps the time foretold by the Holy prophets before us when Satanic evil will happen so quickly and so often that it will be impossible to keep up with it all. Two very conclusive important battles against America and the Christian Church are upon us, in the weeks to come, as the Senate Judiciary Committee meets to confirm a Catholic federal judge to the Supreme Court, and as the 2020 presidential election takes place beginning November 3rd.... (more)

September 29, 2020
PETER LEMISKA ? Democrats have spent a lot of time in recent years trying to shake off the label of "socialist." Barack Obama used to brush it aside, scoff at it. When Joe Biden was asked about it recently, he answered more directly, boasting, "I beat the socialist... Do I look like a socialist?" Then, as if to erase any lingering doubts, he added emphatically, "I'm not a socialist."... (more)

September 29, 2020
SELWYN DUKE ? Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett is in the grip of "dogmas." So goes a criticism made, ironically, by the most dogmatic of people. In fact, the gripe reflects a certain dogma-born prejudice. Oh, I don't speak of the anti-Catholic, anti-"religious," anti-pro-life, and anti-conservative varieties, though they're also present. Nor do I refer to how a Muslim nominee would never be subjected to such scorn. Rather, the prejudice here is seldom recognized and something even good people may exhibit.... (more)

September 29, 2020
Fox & Friends? Brian Kilmeade interviews political debate coach Brett O'Donnell
FOX NEWS ? Ahead of the first presidential debate scheduled for next week, Brett O'Donnell, a top GOP political debate coach, discussed the factors that could derail Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden. "[Biden] has not done any tough interviews in this campaign so far, whether or not he can handle the toughest of interviews, a presidential debate, being attacked by the president and also tough questions from Chris Wallace in that first debate remains to be seen," O'Donnell told "Fox & Friends" on Wednesday.... (more)

September 28, 2020
NATIONAL REVIEW ? When Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett spoke in the White House Rose Garden following her formal nomination on Saturday evening, she was everything she's been made out to be: poised, smart, and kind-hearted. She began by honoring the life of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. "The flag of the United States is still flying at half-staff, in memory of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, to mark the end of a great American life," Barrett said. "Justice Ginsburg began her career at a time when women were not welcome in the legal profession. But she not only broke glass ceilings, she smashed them.... (more)

September 27, 2020
NEWSWEEK ? On Monday President Donald Trump was nominated for the third time this year for a 2021 Noble Peace Prize. The nomination came courtesy of Australian law professors praising the "Trump Doctrine" against endless wars. While speaking with Sky News in Australia, law professor David Flint explained why he decided to nominate Trump.... (more)

September 26, 2020
'First mother of school-age children ever to serve on the U.S. Supreme Court'
C-SPAN ? President Trump nominates Judge Amy Coney Barrett of the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals to fill a vacancy on the Supreme Court following the death of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.... (more)

September 26, 2020
DAILY SIGNAL ? President Donald Trump on Saturday evening nominated U.S. Circuit Judge Amy Coney Barrett for the vacancy created by the death of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Trump appointed Barrett to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 7th Circuit in October 2017 and, less than a month later, her name was added to those Trump said he would consider for the Supreme Court.... (more)

September 26, 2020
CNN Editor-at-large Cillizza grudgingly concedes president's legacy (followed by attributing it to an act of God)
CNN ? President Donald Trump has made no secret of his desire to write his name in history, to leave a presidential legacy that can't be erased no matter what happens on November 3. And now he has it. With his nomination of Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court -- and her likely confirmation by the Senate by the end of next month -- Trump will have personally chosen one-third of the members of the nation's highest court and reshaped its ideology for decades to come.... (more)

September 26, 2020
FOX NEWS ? President Trump's nomination of Judge Amy Coney Barrett creates a real dilemma for the Democrats. Since President Ronald Reagan nominated Judge Robert Bork to replace Justice Lewis Powell on the Supreme Court in 1987, the Democrats have followed a policy of harshness and ruthlessness in going after Republican Supreme Court nominees. The assault on Bork -- a scholarly and widely respected conservative member of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit -- was so vicious and underhanded that the process of personal destruction came to be known as "borking." In fact, the savaging of Judge Bork was so infamous the Oxford English Dictionary added the verb "bork" as U.S. political slang: "[To] obstruct (someone, especially a candidate for public office) by systematically defaming or vilifying them."... (more)

September 26, 2020
Phony ?Steele dossier? that was used to allow spying on Trump came from suspected Russian agent seen as ?national security threat?; collusion story a product of Russian lies funded by Hillary
FOX NEWS ? It was always a witch hunt designed to "get Trump." Collusion was an illusion invented by a suspected Russian spy but zealously embraced by malevolent actors at the FBI and later by scheming prosecutors on Special Counsel Robert Mueller's team of partisans. These are the stunning revelations contained in two sets of newly declassified documents that pull back the curtain on the Russia Hoax, the dirtiest political trick in American history.... (more)

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