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National Secular Society

Challenging Religious Privilege


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Your daily media briefing - Friday 2 October


In the Media is our daily collection of news and commentary related to secularism, available delivered to your inbox. You can also read the latest news and opinion and listen to our podcasts on our website.


Secularism in the media


Equality law failing to protect people from faith-based discrimination, says report - NSS quoted

The National Secular Society report, which marks the 10th anniversary of Equality Act, says religious exceptions within the Act means discrimination against the non-religious and members of religious minorities remains lawful across key areas of public life.



Medical director with incurable cancer calls for a review of assisted dying laws

A leading professor with incurable cancer has called for a review of assisted dying laws saying "I want some control in my final days".

Sky News


Christian street preacher loses appeal against conviction for ranting ‘all Muslims are going to hell’

A Christian street preacher, once awarded £2,500 for 'wrongful arrest' and the confiscation of his Bible, has lost his appeal against conviction for ranting: 'All Muslims are going to hell.'

Mail Online


Teenage boy ‘developed extreme views and made homemade bombs during lockdown’

A 14-year-old boy developed extreme views influenced by Islamic State and attempted to make homemade bombs during the coronavirus lockdown, a court has heard.

The Evening Standard


Leading Irish atheist criticises disinvitation of Richard Dawkins

The chair of Atheist Ireland Michael Nugent has written to the Historical Society at Trinity College Dublin asking it to reconsider its recent decision to drop Professor Richard Dawkins from its 2021 list of speakers.

The Freethinker (Patheos)


UN calls on Nigeria to scrap death penalty for musician who shared a ‘blasphemous’ song

The UN has called on Nigeria to scrap the death sentence handed to a musician by a Sharia court for sharing a 'blasphemous' song on WhatsApp.

Mail Online


US: Roman Catholic diocese declares bankruptcy to protect itself from wave of sexual abuse lawsuits

A Roman Catholic diocese in New York City's suburbs has become the largest in the US to declare bankruptcy to protect itself from a wave of lawsuits filed over past sexual abuse by clergy members.

Mail Online


US: Lawsuits challenge Virginia's sexual orientation protections

A conservative legal group has filed lawsuits challenging a new Virginia law that bars discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity.

ABC News


US: Amy Coney Barrett supported group that said life begins at fertilization

Amy Coney Barrett, the Trump administration's supreme court nominee, publicly supported an organization in 2006 that has said life begins at fertilization.

The Guardian


Canada reintroduces bill banning LGBT conversion therapy

Canada has reintroduced a bill on Thursday that will criminalize LGBT conversion therapy, a federal minister said after an earlier effort to ban the practice failed as the parliament was discontinued due to the coronavirus pandemic.



Proposal to ease Malawi's strict abortion laws faces religious opposition

Religious leaders in the mainly Christian country strongly oppose widening access to abortion and are threatening to protest if the new bill is tabled.



Japan Catholic Church sued for damages in alleged sex abuse

A woman has filed a suit against the Roman Catholic Church in Japan alleging that a priest raped her four decades ago, as the church's unfolding worldwide sexual abuse crisis gradually reaches Japan.

The Japan Times


The latest from the NSS


It’s time to tackle loopholes in equality law which privilege religion

On the 10th anniversary of the Equality Act coming into force, Lynne Featherstone says reforms proposed by the NSS on education, caste discrimination and employment would make Britain fairer and more cohesive.


Latest NSS podcast


Ep 35: Dignity in Dying

In this episode, Emma Park speaks to Lloyd Riley, policy and research manager at Dignity in Dying about campaigns for the legalisation of assisted dying in the UK. With him is Mick Murray who supported two dear friends with terminal illnesses when they were refused assistance to die in the UK.



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Note: Yesterday's media briefing suggested a proposed assisted dying bill had been tabled in Northern Ireland. It was instead tabled in the Republic of Ireland.

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