Friday, October 2nd, 2020

Shut Up, Man!

David Stockman

Letter From Tennessee

A 15yo homeschooled boy on socialism and capitalism.

Do Debates Even Matter in This Election?

Thomas Luongo

Four Myths About Trump, Taxes, and the Economy

Doug Casey

The Nanny State From Hell

Donald Jeffries

The Only Thing Systematic Is the Destruction of America

Jim Quinn

Sampson County and the Defense of Western Civilization

Boyd Cathey

Scott Atlas Just Hit Back at Fauci

Tom Woods

The Election Has Already Been Hijacked and the Winner Decided: ‘We the People’ Lose

John W. Whitehead

The Evolution of Covid-19 Propaganda: 1] The Repetitive Use of Deceptive Imagery, 2] Management of the News and 3] Lying About the Worth of PCR Test Kits

Gary G. Kohls, MD

Is Chris Wallace a White Supremacist?

Ann Coulter

Melinda Gates Slams Social Media for Spreading ‘Disinfo’

Dr. Joseph Mercola

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