Republican Jewish Coalition

The RJC Weekly Newsletter

October 1, 2020

Your weekly look at the latest news, analysis, and RJC activities around the country.

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— Featured —

Notes from Norm


South Carolina Senate Race Revisited – Lindsey Graham


Back in early August, I wrote in this space about Senator Lindsey Graham – a dear personal friend of mine and a champion of the causes RJC members believe in – who is facing a real race from Democrat Jamie Harrison. I noted that Lindsey was being outraised by Harrison thanks to a massive effort by the challenger to appeal to out-of-state liberals, who are still furious about Senator Graham's strong defense of Brett Kavanaugh in 2018.


Since then, the race in the Palmetto State has only intensified. All the public polls of the race released in September showed the candidates within the margin of error - tied or separated by just one or two percent. National Democrat super-PACs have announced major investments to supplement Harrison's spending. And now liberals nation-wide are even more fired up because Senator Graham, as chairman of the Judiciary Committee, has vowed to secure prompt approval of President Trump's nominee Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court.


Senator Graham remains confident that he better represents South Carolinians' values. He recently told a reporter, "It's a center-right state, and [Harrison is] on the wrong side of a bunch of issues that matter... but we've got to take it seriously. We've got to match him money-wise."


It is still hard to believe a state as conservative as South Carolina would replace a mainstream pro-Israel conservative leader with a J Street-endorsed liberal Democrat, but in this year's unpredictable political environment it is a real risk. Senator Graham's friends need to come through to help him make his case - and there's no time to waste.


The RJC PAC has endorsed Lindsey Graham. You can help him win by clicking here to support his campaign.


Please watch this space for more in-depth analysis on individual races in the critical 2020 elections. If you’d like to share your thoughts with me on any of these races, please email me at [email protected]. Click here to see previous "Notes from Norm."

It's the Deal of the Century!

RJC’s Terrific New Ads

The Republican Jewish Coalition has released two new ads that began running on broadcast and cable television in Florida today. 


David Smiley at the Miami Herald reported this morning

Believing it can swing the results of the presidential election in the nation’s most populous swing state, the Republican Jewish Coalition is spending millions to run two TV ads backing President Donald Trump and knocking Democratic nominee Joe Biden in South Florida.

Starting Thursday, the ads — one attacking Biden and the other promoting Trump — will run in Miami-Dade, Broward and Palm Beach counties, according to the organization. The tri-county area is home to more than 500,000 Jews, a reliable Democratic voting bloc that Republicans nevertheless believe they can push to the right in Florida, a state where even small shifts can yield big results.

Watch the ads – and please share them widely via email and social media!


RJC in the News

Our grassroots efforts continue to make news, as in this Washington Post article:

“Democrats like to say they have a majority of the Jewish vote,” said Republican Jewish Coalition executive director Matt Brooks, whose group is spending $10 million to boost Trump and other GOP candidates in battleground states. “They do — but that’s not what this game is about.”

Brooks’ group is aiming for 300,000 voter contacts in swing states, focusing the bulk of its spending on Trump while also aiding some GOP congressional hopefuls. Last week’s signing of the Israel-United Arab Emirates agreement, which Bahrain later joined, “proves that the president does have a vision” for working toward peace in the Middle East, Brooks said.

We hope you saw our online event on Tuesday, the conversation with Senator Rick Scott and FL Rep. Randy Fine. You can watch the recording on our web site. reported on the conversation

The Fine/Scott colloquy, which addressed a number of other topics including Scott’s views on China, Iran, and other threats, comes at a time when leading Democrats in the state of Florida fear Republican inroads with traditionally Democratic Jewish voters.

Fox News reported on Senator Scott’s comments about vote-by-mail

Sen. Rick Scott, R-Fla., on Tuesday said he “absolutely” has confidence in Florida’s vote-by-mail option for the 2020 presidential election, but is skeptical of other states where they are supposedly being mailed out indiscriminately.

…“First off, in Florida, I absolutely do. We’ve done vote by mail for a long time,” said Scott, who was Florida’s governor between 2011 and 2019. “We have a system that works. You have to prove that you’re a registered voter. You have to prove you have a right to vote, and all those things.”

But there is a risk, Scott said, in states where “they’re just … mailing ballots to everybody” and there are higher chances of fraud.


Pres. Trump, speaking from the White House after the violence in Charlottesville, VA in 2017.

How Many Times?

How many times does President Donald Trump have to refute the same lies? President Trump is not a white supremacist, nor does he support or encourage white supremacists. President Trump is not a racist. President Trump is not Hitler, not a Nazi, and not antisemitic!


This week, the RJC has spoken out forcefully against lies about President Trump. Here are just a few examples.


•  We pushed back hard against Joe Biden comparing President Trump to Joseph Goebbels, Nazi Germany’s propaganda chief. 

In a statement, RJC Executive Director Matt Brooks said: “The rule in debate is that if your only argument is to call your opponent a Nazi, you have no argument at all. Instead of engaging in a debate on policy, Joe Biden has descended to name-calling and Holocaust references.

“There is no place in political discourse for Holocaust imagery or comparing candidates to Nazis. It’s offensive, and it demeans the memory of the Holocaust, the suffering of the victims, and the lessons we must learn from that terribly dark chapter of history. Joe Biden has been in politics long enough to know this. To diminish the horrors of Goebbels and the Nazis by trying to attack the president with that comparison is, as we say, a shanda.”

More here


•  We objected to an ad by JDCA, in which Jewish Democrats likened America under President Trump to Germany during the rise of the Nazis.  

Matt Brooks with the Republican Jewish Coalition told Fox News that he hesitated to give any credence to what amounted to a "PR stunt."

"The misappropriation of the Holocaust for political gains is unacceptable," Brooks said. "It is repugnant to everybody who lost family in the holocaust."

•  RJC tweeted out part of the transcript from President Trump’s remarks after Charlottesville and noted:

The President is no stranger to condemning white nationalism and antisemitic hate and violence. 

•  We pointed to actions President Trump has taken to fight white nationalists: 

Matt Brooks, executive director of the Republican Jewish Coalition, also pointed to actions Trump has recently taken against far right extremism. Last week, Trump said he would designate the Ku Klux Klan (as well as Antifa) as a domestic terrorist group during his second term, something he also promised to do in 2019.

“That is not the action of someone who doesn’t understand the threats we’re facing with white nationalists,” Brooks said, while acknowledging that Trump could have answered Wallace’s question better by just pointing to his “strong record.”

Tonight, we were proud to host a virtual town hall event with Boris Epshteyn, Strategic Advisor to the Trump Campaign & Co-Chair of Jewish Voices for Trump, and RJC National Chairman Norm Coleman. The two compared the records of Donald Trump and Joe Biden on a number of issues, including the question of antisemitism from the left and from the right. Boris Epshteyn talked about President Trump’s frequent denunciations of white supremacists, saying:

I don’t know what else he could do. He’s denounced white supremacists over 20/30 times, going back to 2016 when he denounced David Duke. No wonder David Duke is supporting Biden now, since Trump classified the KKK as a terrorist group. The president of the United States has denounced white supremacists time and time again. And by the way, he did that at the debate! Let’s not forget that context is important. The media treats us Americans as dummies, but we aren’t dummies. We see the reality; we see the truth. What happened there was that Chris Wallace was supposed to be asking Joe Biden if Joe Biden denounces Antifa. Well as a precursor to that, he asks the President if he denounces white supremacists… and he said, “sure I do!” That was pretty clear! 

A recording of tonight’s virtual town hall will be available for viewing online soon. Watch your email for details.


When it comes to comments that President Trump has made, it is important to look at transcripts of his remarks, the factual record of his words. Here are some examples.


President’s words at the debate last night


President Trump’s comment after the shooting at the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh in 2018.  (Official White House transcript here.) 


Note these remarks in the President’s statement from the White House on August 14, 2017, after the violence in Charlottesville


With regard to the “fine people” comment that is so often brought up in this context, it is important to read the full transcript to understand what was said. President Trump was commenting on local residents, according to reports, who were in the park that Saturday to protest the proposed removal of a historic statue. At the same time, President Trump strongly condemned the neo-Nazis and the Antifa rioters who engaged in the violence


Countdown to Election Day


The RJC is committed to reelecting President Donald Trump, keeping the Senate, and winning back the House. We encourage our members to participate in our outreach phonebank project to help Republicans win in November. It's easy, and you can do it from home! Here's how YOU can help: 

- Sign up to call Jewish voters from home by clicking HERE
- Fill out all of the fields.
- Listen to the instructions and write down your username and password when a member of the RJC Victory Team contacts you.
- Make as many phone calls as you can. Everyone you speak to is a potential vote for President Trump and the GOP!


Sign up now and you could be the next RJC Volunteer of the Week!



The RJC PAC has endorsed a terrific slate of House and Senate candidates, and we need them to continue their work on Capitol Hill! CLICK HERE to donate through the RJC PAC portal and show your support for our great candidates!


And don't forget your RJC/Trump kippah! 
Our extremely popular red Trump kippah is now for sale for just $18. This includes shipping and handling. Supplies are limited. 




— Tweets —





— Events —



Virtual Event - October 6, 2020


Virtual Event - October 7, 2020




RJC Victory Team National Days of Action


Please join us for the upcoming RJC Victory Team Virtual Days of Action on Tuesday, October 6 and Thursday, October 8. We are calling potential Jewish voters in Michigan, Wisconsin, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Florida, Arizona, and Georgia, key battleground states of the 2020 election cycle. Click here to sign up and help!



While RJC offices are closed and our staff are teleworking, you can reach us by email or by phone (please leave a voicemail message and your call will be returned). Contact information for our offices can be found on our web site. Please visit us online for the latest RJC news, to volunteer for our 2020 outreach efforts, to see details of upcoming events, and to donate to the RJC.


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202.638.6688 | [email protected]
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