Vote Informed! Vote Your Values!
Check out CTV PAC's General Election Endorsements
The CTV Political Action Committee (CTVPAC) seeks to promote candidates with traditional Judeo-Christian values in order to impact Public Policy at all levels of government in Michigan by helping to preserve our guiding principles of Sanctity of Life, Traditional Marriage, Proper Role of Government, and Excellence in Education.

As citizens, our individual responsibility to support of these principles is crucial to building strong families and promoting good government within our state. CTVPAC does not promote a specific party or candidate, but rather emphasizes the importance of upholding traditional Judeo-Christian values through informed voting and responsible citizen action according to God’s Word. View our endorsements here.

Verify your Voter Registration Status
Wether you want to check your own status or help friends register to vote, you can find all the information you need on the the CTV website here.

Shareable, County by County Voter Guide Available
Find details about who is running in your district and what they really stand for. The Michigan Family Forum Voter Guide is non-partisan and compiles information from trusted, values-based organizations like Right to Life and Citizens for Traditional Values. To find your county and share this valuable information with your friends, select your county.
Good News from the State Legislature
Pro-Family Kinship Care Legislation Has Passed
Earlier this year, CTV reported on two bills introduced to help family members raising relatives. These bills have now passed and are being presented to the governor to sign. HB 5443 & HB 5444 create a Kinship Care Council and kinship care navigators to support extended family members who are providing for dependent children. 
The most common form of this type of care-giving relationship is grandparents who are raising their grandchildren. While this is often a wonderful solution for children who would otherwise end up in foster care or other state-funded programs, there is little support for caregivers who may not be prepared to raise children at this stage in life. This legislation provides valuable services and resources to assist family members with the unique challenges of kinship care-giving.

New Suicide Prevention Legislation Passes.
HB 5482, which required schools to print a suicide prevention hotline telephone number on student identification cards, passed last week. This simple measure may help save young lives and CTV applauds the bipartisan work that went into this policy.
Pro-Life Update
President Trump Promises a Born Alive Executive Order
Last week, President Trump vowed to sign an executive order to protect all babies born alive, including those who survive abortion.

In a pre-recorded address to the National Catholic Prayer Breakfast, the president said, "Today, I am announcing that I will be signing the born alive executive order to ensure that all precious babies born alive, no matter their circumstances, receive the medical care that they deserve. This is our sacrosanct moral duty."

The president also noted that his administration is increasing federal funding for neonatal research “to ensure that every child has the very best chance to thrive and to grow.”

“President Trump’s executive order protects the youngest of patients and ensures that their right to life is defended to the greatest extent of the law,” said Carol Tobias, president of National Right to Life. Read more.

New video explains how Social Justice Begins in the Womb
Every Christian needs to watch this video from Lakes Area Right to Life and vote biblically to protect life. Watch now!
The Church, the Election, & America's Future
A Free Seminar Hosted by CTV Shiawassee, Tuesday October 13 in Owosso

Join Professor William Wagner of the Great Lakes Justice Center and CTV's own President James Muffett for an update on what's happening in the state, the nation, and the world. They will address what pastors, church and community leaders can do in their own communities to impact the elections and America's future.

This free event is open to all, but you must register in advance with EventBrite and get a ticket. Last day to register Sunday, Oct 11. Learn more & register here.
Donate to CTV
Citizens for Traditional Values relies on the support of grassroots activists and concerned citizens who care about preserving, protecting, and promoting traditional values in Lansing and our local communities.