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Stars & Stripes Forever PAC | Your grassroots SuperPAC
A Message from..
John Philip Sousa IV
National Chairman of Stars & Stripes Forever PAC
Formerly the 2016 Committee and National Draft Ben Carson for President Committee

Dear John,

Dr. Ben Carson, Senator Guillory and Rep. Jones have learned that the Democratic Party is no longer your parent's Democratic Party...

"Thank you for your courage. These days it takes a lot of courage to say you support President Trump."
- Dr. Ben Carson

"Democrats have hijacked and enslaved black America for their own power while destroying the black community."
- Louisiana Senator Elbert Guillory

"I didn't leave the Democrat Party. They left me."
- Georgia Democrat Vernon Jones

And as polls are showing now, more and more Black Americans are starting to realize that the Democrats are not the Party they were just decades ago. And that Democrats promise change and equality, but don't deliver.

President Trump has.

If you watched the debate last Tuesday there was no surprise. Maybe a little embarrassment, but not really a surprise...

Trump was Trump! A feisty fighter for his accomplishments and clear concise reasoning for many of the decisions he has made.

And Joe Biden's criticism of President Trump's accomplishments and his false memory about what a great job Obama and he did? Nothing is further from the truth.

They divided us more, taxed us more, regulated us more, lied to us more and especially about, but not limited to, ObamaCare.

Biden has been in politics for 47 years and does not have one single accomplishment to crow about.

Trump is who he is and does is not beholden to anyone... but the American People.

That's why when I learned that Vernon Jones bucked his party and endorsed the President, I knew he was the spokesperson that Stars and Stripes Forever PAC needed to join with us to make sure the Black Community heard the truth.

Former Georgia Democrat State Representative Vernon Jones

He accepted our offer and his ads and videos are airing across the country in minority communities.

This wouldn't have been possible if it were not for your generous, steadfast and caring support.

It's imperative that we keep those ads running in support of President Trump and good Conservatives who are battling to defeat some of the most Liberal members in the House and Senate.

With a powerful spokesperson like Vernon, those ads may just be the key to President Trump's victory in November!

We must not only stay on the air in Alabama, Arizona, Iowa, Maine, Michigan New Mexico, North Carolina and Wisconsin but increase our ad buys in minority markets, and expand into Florida and Pennsylvania ASAP.

These are the states that can make the difference in November. These are the states where data shows the Democrat is vulnerable and/or are neck and neck between President Trump and Joe Biden.

We MUST continue to be laser-focused making sure minorities hear the truth about President Trump and Republicans. We must continue to reach out to minorities right up to Election Day.

A Biden/Harris presidency will bring hikes in individual income taxes, small business taxes, corporate taxes, Capital Gains taxes, and carbon taxes, as well as mandate new taxes for healthcare. All of that spells a disaster for all Americans. Everything we have gained over the last four years will be lost! We cannot allow those who HATE AMERICA to take control of it.

We need to raise $61,000 additional funds for the three weeks leading up to November 3rd.


Joe Biden and Kamala Harris support loosening border controls. They'd allow in far more immigrants who would undercut the cost of hiring Americans for entry level jobs. They oppose fracking even though it will cost America our energy independence, American families millions of jobs and mean far higher prices at the pump and on our utility bills.

They want to raise taxes on businesses by four trillion dollars. Clueless to the fact that when you overtax job creators, they create fewer jobs hurting every American including blacks, Hispanics, and women.

Theirs is a 100% socialist agenda designed to take our money and our freedom. We must do everything in our power to stop them!

The stakes are just that high!

That's why I'm asking, once again, for your immediate help.

I pray that you will respond today with a generous contribution of $20.20, $40.40, $75, $250, $500 or more to make sure we can stay ON THE AIR.

If we don't syphon 17% of the minority vote from the Democrats, President Trump will lose.

Without winning over minority voters, it will be nearly impossible for the GOP to win another presidential election - leaving the future of conservatism in serious jeopardy.
- Dr. Ben Carson

So can I count on you to help me continue what we started in 2013 by donating today?

You can donate and watch and hear the radio and video ads by clicking here.

Watch Vernon Jones Powerful Ad

By this time next month, the 2020 Election will be over. We may not know the outcome for a few weeks after, but at least we will know we did everything we could do to secure President Trump four more years.

It's an honor to work alongside you on behalf of our great Country, John. Stay well. Stay safe...

John Philip Sousa IVFor America,
John Philip Sousa IV
John Philip Sousa IV
National Chairman, Stars & Stripes Forever PAC

P.S. After you watch or hear our new ads with Vernon, I know you will agree with me... They are honest and powerful.

We must raise an additional $61,000 immediately to expand and increase our ads for the final push before the election. YOUR grassroots super PAC made the difference in the 2016 election. Together, we will do it again!

The reckoning is now upon us. The stage has been set. Please help again today if you can, John!