
All I can say is: Wow.

As if 2020 wasn't hectic enough, these past few weeks have certainly felt like an emotional rollercoaster ride. Between losing RBG and Trump's nomination of a radical right-wing justice, as well as the failure to charge the police who killed Breonna Taylor, it’s easy to lose sight of the good things.

That's why I wanted to send you a quick email to thank you -- because amidst all the turmoil, you still took the time to support our campaign. Every time you chipped in and every time you watched our ads or attended a virtual event has helped our campaign efforts tremendously.

It can be hard to see the light with all the political chaos going on in our country, but it's amazing to see the power behind a people-powered, people-funded campaign.

Every step of the way, you've stepped up and helped us succeed. Which is why I'm making another ask of you: Can you sign up to volunteer with our campaign?

There's still plenty of work to be done -- so please, can you join us next Saturday, October 10th, for our volunteer rally? In the face of misogyny, racism, and hatred that Trump has fueled our country with over the years, we can't lose sight of what's most important.

November 3rd.

November 3rd is so close.

Until then, we've got to keep the pressure on the Trump administration -- they know that they're losing, and that's exactly why they're rushing a Supreme Court nominee, a lifetime appointment to pursue their dangerous agenda.

All the protests, all the petitions, all of the fundraising efforts for campaigns around the country -- we've got to keep it up.

Can you help our campaign by signing up to volunteer?

Yes! RSVP to the campaign rally on October 10th at 10 a.m. PT.
No, but I can donate to the campaign to power voter turnout efforts.

The future of this country and the future of our lives all depend on how these next few weeks play out.

Let's keep it up, team.

-- Georgette Gómez