Dear John,
Here are two climate events for tomorrow.

350 Milwaukee

Milwaukee's Fridays For Future!
Friday, October 2, 12 - 1pm

Milwaukee's Action is at Wisconsin Ave. and Water St.
from 12:00pm to 1:00pm

We'll have signs or bring your own

Mask wearing and Physical Distancing in Effect

Fire Drill Friday’s October rally
Friday, October 2, 1pm CDT

Join on Friday, October 2nd at 11am PT / 2pm ET
on Facebook Live!

350 Milwaukee Meeting
Tuesday, October 13, 7 - 8:30pm

Zoom Virtual Meeting

We'll screen the video
We Neighbors

a 20 minute documentary focusing on the neighbors of the
Oak Creek, Wisconsin power plants.

followed by a presentation from

Linus Santo Tomas MD, MS
Pulmonary Medicine, 
MCW & Froedtert

Dr. Santo Tomas will give his presentation on
"The Health Hazards of Coal Plants"
where he examines the impact of coal on human health from mine to smoke stack.

Followed by Q&A

Documentary underscores lingering bad blood over coal plant

"For years, a small handful of neighbors have been making baseless accusations related to our operations in Oak Creek. We take both our environmental and community responsibilities very seriously."  Brendan Conway, We Energies spokesman

Join us and bring ideas!


Join Zoom Meeting
Link will be in October newletter

Meeting ID: 812 5630 0336
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        +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)  
Meeting ID: 812 5630 0336
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4142 Newhall St.
Shorewood, WI 53211

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