John Carney for Governor

President Trump’s supporters are backing our opponent this November, and we need your help.
If you support prioritizing the safety and health of Delawareans, new investments in public infrastructure and public education, and a real plan to confront climate change -- help us push back against the President’s radical agenda. 
We have an important fundraising deadline on Saturday. Can you chip in to support Governor Carney’s campaign?
Can you chip in before Saturday?
BUDGET: Governor Carney’s new $125 million budget reserve is getting us through this crisis without spending cuts or higher taxes. 
JOBS: Governor Carney worked with legislators to pass the largest public infrastructure program in Delaware history - funding new investments in clean water, high-speed broadband, roads and bridges, and new schools.
EDUCATION: Governor Carney’s $75 million Opportunity Funding program targeted new resources for low-income students and English learners in Delaware public schools. The program also funds new mental health and reading resources. 
HEALTH CARE: Governor Carney has taken a science-based approach to COVID-19 and focused on protecting lives. Governor Carney also worked with the General Assembly to codify Obamacare in Delaware law, including protections for Delawareans with pre-existing conditions.
Thanks for your continued support, 
Team Carney
REMINDER: The deadline to register to vote in the General Election is October 10. Visit to check your registration status and to register to vote by mail.
Volunteer with Team Carney  Contribute
Paid for by Friends for John Carney

Friends for John Carney
PO Box 2162
Wilmington DE 19899 United States