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DUP leader Arlene Foster was among thousands of people who took part in a silent protest outside the North's Parliament Buildings at Stormont to show their opposition to the planned legalisation of abortion in Northern Ireland.
Hundreds of clergy are in financial hardship, with some resorting to credit cards or even a high-interest payday lender, despite the Church of England sitting on a multibillion-pound investment fund.
A state-aided Charedi girls' high school whose entry requirements were the subject of a complaint to the admissions regulator is dropping a reference to mothers wearing sheitels (wigs).
A proposal to open a city centre mosque for early morning prayers has been recommended for refusal. Findings by the council's planning committee said it was not "appropriate" for the centre to open 24-hour a day, for five daily prayers, as it is "located in a residential area."
"In 2017, Martina Obi-Uzom and her husband took their 11-month-old son to be circumcised. Except she wasn't his mother; she was his babysitter. His 70-year-old babysitter."
Several thousand people marched in Bosnia's first Gay Pride on Sunday, protected by a major security operation including anti-sniper units after some conservative Muslim groups organized counter-rallies.
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